96 Indonesian boy names and meanings


If you are looking for Indonesian male names and meanings in alphabet order, then we picked ( 96 ) Indonesian boy names with meanings for you.

Choosing a name for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent.
There are many factors to be considered when you choose a name for your baby like the history of the name, the popularity of it, and the meaning and origin of the name.

This list of Indonesian baby boy names contains unique boy names, cute boy names, popular boy names, cool boy names, and strong boy names.

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96 Indonesian boy names and meanings

Indonesian boy names that start with A:

1. Abyasa: clever
2. Adhiarja: safety
3. Adika: the first child of the second husband
4. Aditya: the sun
5. Ahmad: it’s Islamic name means ( much praised )
6. Agung: grand; great
7. Ajij: powerful; respected; beloved
8. Arief: honest
9. Arif: wise

Indonesian boy names that start with B:

1. Bagaskoro: sun rays
2. Bakti: obedient boy
3. Banyu: water
4. Baskoro: midday sun
5. Basuki: to flourish
6. Batara: God
7. Berkah: God’s gift
8. Bima: brave
9. Bimo: dear
10. Bintang: star
11. Buana: a whole world
12. Budi: to have reason; mind or a character

Indonesian boy names that start with C:

1. Cahya: the light in the darkness
2. Cahyono: light; bright
3. Candra: the moon
4. Chahaya: light
5. Cipta: to create 
6. Citro: image

Indonesian boy names that start with D:

1. Daa: the inviter
2. Daadar: brother; dear friend
3. Daalii: grape with light colour
4. Daamir: heart
5. Daanaa: wise; learned; intelligent
6. Dabeer: teacher; secretary
7. Daboor: morning breeze
8. Dahdah: short
9. Dahi: lion
10. Dahir: trustworthy
11. Dahlan: lion; King
12. Daig: fire; flame
13. Daja: black eyed
14. Dalim: pomegranate
15. Damdam: water
16. Dar: pearl
17. Daryab: river
18. Dastagir: brave
19. Dawwas: strong; brave
20. Dian: candle

Indonesian boy names that start with E, F:

1. Eas: gold
2. Eko: first child
3. Elang: falcon
4. Fadhlan: gift from God

Indonesian boy names that start with G:

1. Galang: to assemble
2. Gemi: uncertain life time
3. Gesang: life; alive
4. Gunadi: meaningful
5. Gus: the coolest one

Indonesian boy names that start with H, I, J:

1. Harta: treasure
2. Harto: treasure
3. Intan: diamond
4. Ismaya: wise; God like
5. Joyo: successful; victorious

Indonesian boy names that start with K:

1. Kabul: fulfilled wish; prayer
2. Kadek: younger sibling
3. Kaliappa: bud
4. Kasih: love
5. Kersen: cherry
6. Kristiono: Christian man
7. Kulon: the west
8. Kusuma: flower

Indonesian boy names that start with M, N:

1. Mego: the clouds
2. Mentari: the sun
3. Nakula: twin
4. Netro: vision

Indonesian boy names that start P, R:

1. Panuta: good example
2. Perdana: the first
3. Pramana: full of wisdom and knowledge
4. Pratam: first status
5. Putra: to be someone’s son
6. Ramelan: a prophecy
7. Rimbo: jungle

Indonesian boy names that start with S:

1. Sadewa: one of a twin
2. Saleh: devout
3. Santoso: peaceful
4. Setiawan: faithful
5. Satria: warrior
6. Senen: Monday
7. Seto: white
8. Soleh: a person who is deeply religious
9. Sri: respect
10. Surya: the sun
11. Susila: righteous
12. Swani: beautiful like a Swan

Indonesian boy names that start T, V, Y:

1. Taman: like a garden
2. Timur: the east
3. Vikal: twilight; evening or close day
4. Yuda: war

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