154 Taiwanese girl names with meanings


If you are looking for Taiwanese Female names with meanings in alphabet order, then we picked a list of ( 154 ) Taiwanese girl names with meanings for you.

Choosing a name for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent.
There are many factors to be considered when you choose a name for your baby like the history of the name, the popularity of it, and the meaning and origin of the name.

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Taiwanese girl names with meanings

Taiwanese girl names starting with A, B:

1. Ah Lam: orchid
2. Akemi: the beauty of dawn
3. Akina: spring flower
4. Annya: peace
5. Ayako: beautiful silk
6. Ayame: iris flower
7. Bai: white; pure
8. Bao: treasure
9. Bo: precious; treasure

Taiwanese girl names starting with C, D:

1. Chen: morning
2. Chia Hao: a flower with stripes and spots
3. Chia Jung: beautiful; good
4. Chia Wei: powerful; light
5. Chi Ling: excellent and beautiful
6. Chun: spring season
7. Daitan: bold
8. Daruma: famous Buddhist
9. Da Xia: bringer of love and care
10. Diu: a down to earth person

Taiwanese girl names starting with E, F, G:

1. Ehuang: born in August
2. Eiko: prosperity
3. Emiyo: Beautiful generation
4. Ena: gift from God
5. Eshima: true blessed intention
6. Ezume: pure water
7. Fen: fragrance; perfume
8. Genji: valuable; precious
9. Gin: silver
10. Guan Yin: mercy; kindness

Taiwanese girl names starting with H:

1. Hachi: eight
2. Hama: shore
3. Hana: blossom; flower
4. Hanako: flower child
5. Hanami: beautiful flower
6. Haneen: the flower child
7. Haru: spring
8. Harumi: spring; beauty
9. Hayami: a rare beauty
10. Heiwa: peace
11. Hideya: excellence
12. Himeko: princess
13. Hiriko: generous
14. Hiromi: full of beauty
15. Hisa: long lasting
16. Hoshi: star
17. Hsiai Han: small bamboo
18. Hui Fang: pleasant fragrance

Taiwanese girl names starting with I, J:

1. Ing Wen: a person from England
2. Ishi: rock
3. Jia: outstanding
4. Jiya Ling: good; beautiful
5. Ju: daisy
6. Jua Hua: flower
7. Jui Feng: phoenix
8. Jui Hui: intelligence
9. Jumiya: history
10. Jun: truthful

Taiwanese girl names starting with k:

1. Kagami: mirror
2. Kaili: beautiful; victorious
3. Kana: talent; skill
4. Kane: right handed
5. Kei: reverent
6. Kiaria: fortunate
7. Kibo: hope
8. Kiku: Beautiful flower
9. Kimi: beauty of the century
10. Kishi: long and happy life
11. Koko: stork
12. Kosame: fine rain
13. Koto: Beautiful harp
14. Kuma: bear
15. Kumiko: pretty braids
16. Kuniko: a child from the farm

Taiwanese girl names starting with L, M:

1. Lee: plum; beautiful
2. Leiko: confident
3. Machi: a good friend
4. Mah: beautiful posture
5. Majime: earnest one
6. Manami: love of beauty
7. Mariko: pure knowledge
8. Masami: truth; correctness
9. Mei: plum
10. Meifen: plum fragrance
11. Meifeng: beautiful wind
12. Meili: beautiful
13. Meixiu: beautiful grace
14. Meiying: beautiful flower
15. Meizhen: beautiful pearl
16. Mian: graceful willow
17. Mika: new moon
18. Mikia: flower stem
19. Ming: delicate
20. Mingzhu: bright pearl
21. Mio: thrice strong
22. Misumi: pure beauty
23. Miyo: beautiful generation
24. Morina: from the forest
25. Mu Lan: Magnolia blossom
26. Mu tan: tree peony blossom

Taiwanese girl names starting with N:

1. Nami: wave
2. Narimi: precious one
3. Narumi: the seed of beauty
4. Niji: rainbow
5. Ning: peaceful
6. Nori: law
7. Nuan: friendly
8. Nyoko: gem; treasure

Taiwanese girl names starting with O, P, Q:

1. Oki: middle of the ocean
2. Orino: worker’s field
3. Ping: level mind
4. Qi: fine jade
5. Qui: autumn
6. Quinyang: Sunshine of my heart

Taiwanese girl names starting with R:

1. Raeden: thunder and lightning
2. Raku: pleasure
3. Ran: water lily
4. Reiko: grateful
5. Rikona: intelligence
6. Rippina: brilliant light
7. Roulan: Beautiful
8. Ru: little scholar
9. Ruri: emerald
10. Ryo: dragon

Taiwanese girl names starting with S:

1. Sada: chaste
2. Sato: sugar
3. Seki: wonderful
4. Shu: warm-hearted; kind
5. Shu Ching: pure; virtuous; clear
6. Shu fen: charming fragrance
7. Shu Hua: deliberate beauty
8. Sumiko: bright and smart mind
9. Su Wei: pure and clear
10. Sying: star

Taiwanese girl names starting with T:

1. Taka: honoured
2. Takane: mountain peak
3. Tama: jewel
4. Tanima: valley
5. Tao: peach
6. Ting: timeless
7. Toki: hopeful
8. Tomiya: wealthy
9. Tomoko: two friends
10. Tora: Tiger
11. Tori: bird

Taiwanese girl names starting with U:

1. Umeko: child of the sea
2. Umi: ocean
3. Umika: fragrance of the ocean
4. Uta: song; melody
5. Utano: a field of songs

Taiwanese girl names starting with W:

1. Wakana: Beautiful plant
2. Wakumi: a spring of water
3. Washi: eagle
4. Wei: greatness
5. Wenling: mild jade tinkling


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