360 Native American girl names with meanings


If you are looking for Native American Female names with meanings in alphabet order, then we picked a list of ( 360 ) Native American girl names with meanings for you.

Choosing a name for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent.
There are many factors to be considered when you choose a name for your baby like the history of the name, the popularity of it, and the meaning and origin of the name.

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Sri LankanTaiwaneseThai


Native American girl names starting with A:

1. Aaralyn: woman with song
2. Abilene: from a town in texas/resembling grass
3. Alannah: valuable, precious
4. Alaysha: noble, kind, truthful
5. Alberta: wise, graceful
6. Allegra: joyful, happy
7. Allison: exalted nature
8. Amiyah: form of amy, meaning “beloved”
9. Aniya: form of anna, meaning “a woman graced with god’s favor”
10. Annetta: favoured grace
11. Apple: sweet fruit; one who is cherished
12. Arvilla: eagle ruler
13. Ashlyn: combination of ashley and lynn
14. Adianca: it means (one who brings peace).
15. Anaba: a woman returning from battle
16. Aponi: resembling a butterfly
17. Aquene: one who is peaceful
18. Arizona: from the little spring / from the state of Arizona

Native American girl names starting with B:

1. Baani: earth
2. Bani: earth
3. Bea: bringer of happiness; blessed
4. Bayle: beautiful
5. Baylin: mighty soldier ; foolhardy
6. Behitha: eagle child
7. Bela: sacred wood apple tree; time; a vine
8. Bena: pheasant
9. Benquasha: daughter of Ben
10. Betsy: holy and scared of God
11. Bhavika: cheerful expression; well-behaved
12. Bhoomi: earth
13. Bhuvika: heaven
14. Bly: high; tall
15. Braylin: Gift of God
16. Brea: beauty beyond sight
17. Brenley: burnt meadow
18. Breonna: high; noble
19. Brocky: the feathers that come from over the hill
20. Buffy: shortened version of buffalo
21. Bunny: little rabbit
22. Byue: like a small and slow stream of water

Native American girl names starting with C:

1. Cady: simple happiness
2. Cala: fortress; lovely
3. Calfuray: like a violet flower
4. Cali: most beautiful
5. Carreen: character in Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the wind
6. Catori: she is spirit
7. Cera: colourful; belt
8. Chae: curious to know the world
9. Chantesuta: has a firm heart
10. Chapa: beaver; metal tin
11. Chardon: bar of sand
12. Chea: healthy; well-being
13. Cher: darling; beloved
14. Chenoa: white dove
15. Cheyenne: tribal name; tribe of the great Plains
16. Chickoa: during daybreak
17. Chilali: snow bird
18. Chimalis: blue bird
19. Cholena: bird
20. Chumani: dew drop
21. Citana: a star in the sky
22. Citali: a star; an object of the space and universe
23. Cocheta: unknown; foreigner
24. Cora: filled heart

Native American girl names starting with D:

1. Dakoda: friend
2. Dakota: ally; fuse together
3. Daya: sympathy; kindness
4. Dea: Goddess; valley
5. Dena: valley
6. Devi: goddess; kindness
7. Dia: lamp; candle; light
8. Dina : love; God has judged
9. Doba: clever and practical nature
10. Dolly: sorrowful or Lady of sorrows
11. Dy: a beautiful deer
12. Dyani: deer; smart and fast

Native American girl names starting with E:

1. Eara: from the east
2. Earlena: noble woman
3. Earna: sincere
4. Ebann: a pretty woman
5. Ebba: flowing tide; life
6. Edee: rich gift
7. Edith: joyous
8. Edra: powerful
9. Edyn: delight; paradise
10. Edzel: one who is plain
11. Egan: a wholesome woman
12. Elue: a woman full of grace
13. Enola: solitary
14. Esadowa: wolves
15. Etenia: wealthy
16. Eyota: greatest

Native American girl names starting with F:

1. Fae: trust; believe
2. Fala: crow
3. Fiya: powerful; surprise
4. Flo: like a flower; flower; arrow
5. Fone: snow child
6. Ful: flower

Native American girl names starting with G:

1. Gaho: mother
2. Gajijens: its flowers fall
3. Galilahi: attractive
4. Garsteaode: standing rock
5. Genesee: Beautiful Valley
6. Gjerta: protection
7. Gretchen: little pearl
8. Grete: pearl
9. Grethe: pearl
10. Gretta: resembling a pearl
11. Gry: dawn; charming; lovely
12. Guitain: heart of young wolf
13. Gytha: gift; warlike

Native American girl names starting with H:

1. Hachi: river
2. Halona: fortunate; happy
3. Halyn: Unique
4. Hateya: footprint in the sand; dust
5. Hausu: yawning bear
6. Helki: to touch; touched
7. Heltu: friendly bear reaching out
8. Hialeah: lovely meadow
9. Hiawatha: river creator
10. Hinto: having deep blue eyes
11. Hokaratcha: pole cat
12. Howi: dove
13. Huyana: rain falling

Native American girl names starting with I:

1. Ikeida: a spontaneous woman
2. Ilandere: moon woman
3. Illinois: superior tribe
4. Imala: one who disciplines others; strong-minded
5. Inali: black fox
6. Indiece: a capable woman
7. Ineesha: a sparkling woman
8. Ingalls: a peaceful woman
9. Iniabi: the sun on which all life depends
10. Inoa: name; namesake
11. Insula: red feather
12. Iowa: of the lowa tribe; beautiful land
13. Isela: a giving woman
14. Ishedus: on top
15. Isi: deer; deer like
16. Isqesis: small woman
17. Istas: snow
18. Ituha: sturdy oak
19. Itzel: rainbow; protected
20. Iwilla: she shall rise
21. Ixchel: rainbow
22. Izanne: one who calms others
23. Izusa: white stone

Native American girl names starting with K:

1. Kabecka: twin
2. Kachina: sacred dancer
3. Kai: sea; willow tree; ocean
4. Kaliska: coyote-chasing deer
5. Kaniya: you are my child
6. Kasa: fur-robe dress
7. Keme: secret
8. Kewanee: prairie hen
9. Kimana: butterfly
10. Kimi: without equal; beauty of the century
11. Kiona: Brown Hills
12. Kishi: seashore; night; long and happy life
13. Kiwidinok: woman of the wind
14. Koko: night; stork
15. Kopin: buffalo mountain
16. Kuwanyauma: butterfly showing beautiful wings

Native American girl names starting with L:

1. Leotie: like a flower of the prairie
2. Lequoia: made from a seaquoia tree
3. Liluye: soaring singing hawk
4. Liseli: light; one who shines bright
5. Lulu: one who is like a rabbit
6. Luyu: like a wild dove

Native American girl names starting with M:

1. Maconaquea: a captive white one
2. Magaska: like a white Swan
3. Magena: moon
4. Mahal: a tender and loving woman
5. Mahaskas: a white cloud
6. Mahela: a pregnant woman
7. Mai: coyote
8. Maiara: a woman with great wisdom
9. Maka: earth
10. Mansi: plucked flower
11. Maovesa: like a wild horse
12. Mapiya: sky or heavenly
13. Marely: of the marshy meadow
14. Massachusetts: from the big hill; from the state of Massachusetts
15. Mausi: plucks flowers
16. Maverick: one who is wild and free
17. Meda: priestess
18. Meli: one who is bitter
19. Memdi: henna
20. Merana: woman of the water
21. Migina: returning moon
22. Migisi: eagle
23. Mika: intelligent raccoon
24. Mimiteh: new moon
25. Minal: fruit
26. Minda: having great knowledge
27. Minowa: one who has a moving sound
28. Minya: older sister
29. Mitexi: sacred moon
30. Moesha: drawn from the water
31. Muna: overflowing spring

Native American girl names starting with N:

1. Nahimana: mystic
2. Namid: a star dancer
3. Nascha: owl
4. Nashota: second-born twin
5. Nata: creater; speaker
6. Natane: daughter
7. Navaeh: child from heaven
8. Netis: trustworthy
9. Niabi: fawn
10. Nita: bear
11. Nokomis: daughter of the moon
12. Nolcha: of the sun
13. Nuna: land

Native American girl names starting with O:

1. Odina: mountain
2. Ogin: resembling the wild rose
3. Oheo: a beautiful woman
4. Ohin: wild rose
5. Olaide: a thoughtful woman
6. Olathe: beautiful
7. Onatah: daughter of the earth
8. Onawa: one who is wide-awake
9. Oneida: eagerly awaited
10. Onida: the one who has been expected
11. Ontaria: beautiful lake
12. Ontina: an open-minded woman
13. Opa: owl
14. Orbelina: one who brings excitement
15. Orenda: magic power
16. Otina: a fortunate woman
17. Oya: called forward

Native American girl names starting with P:

1. Pageant: a dramatic woman
2. Pahana: filled with wisdom and action
3. Pakuna: a deer jumping downhill; intelligent
4. Pala: water; near upland meadow
5. Pana: partridge bird
6. Papina: ivy; vine on oak tree
7. Patrina: born into the nobility
8. Pebbles: like a small rock
9. Peta: golden eagle
10. Phashestha: one who is decorated
11. Phernita: a well-spoken woman
12. Pipaluk: sweet little one
13. Pinquana: having a pleasant fragrance
14. Pleshette: an extravagent woman
15. Pleun: one who is good with words
16. Pocahontas: playful
17. Poloma: bow
18. Popo: a very tall grass of rye
19. Posala: born at the end of spring
20. Poseanye: the dripping dew
21. Posh: a fancy young woman
22. Povitamun: morning flower
23. Poviyemo: a falling flower
24. Pryce: one who is very dear
25. Pules: one who is like a pigeon
26. Pyria: one who is cherished

Native American girl names starting with Q:

1. Quana: one who is aromatic; sweet-smelling
2. Quanah: fragrant
3. Quinyette: the fifth-born child
4. Quirtsquip: chewing elk

Native American girl names starting with R:

1. Raini: cheerful
2. Roca: radiant
3. Rozena: Rose

Native American girl names starting with S:

1. Sahkyo: mink
2. Sakuna: bird
3. Salali: squirrel
4. Sanuye: red clouds at sunset
5. Sapata: dancing bear
6. Satinka: sacred dancer
7. Sequoia: redwood tree
8. Shada: pelican
9. Shake: mint
10. Shania: I’m on my way
11. Shappa: red thunder
12. Shasta: three
13. Shenandoa: beautiful star
14. Sheshebens: small duck
15. Shiane: from the tribal name Cheyenne
16. Shima: mother
17. Sihu: flower
18. Sikya: small canyon
19. Sindy: moon
20. Sinopa: fox
21. Siran: alluring
22. Sisika: songbird
23. Sokanon: rain
24. Sooleawa: silver
25. Sora: singing bird soars
26. Soso: chubby-cheeked baby
27. Soyala: winter solstice
28. Suni: member of our tribe

Native American girl names starting with T:

1. Tacincala: resembling a deer
2. Taima: loud crash of thunder; born during thunderstorm
3. Tainn: new moon
4. Taipa: flying quail
5. Takenya: falcon
6. Takoda: friend to everyone
7. Tala: stalking wolf
8. Talasi: corn-tassel flower
9. Tallulah: running water
10. Tama: like a thunder
11. Tamala: like a thunderbolt
12. Tamaya: the center of everything
13. Tanda: the seer of life and death
14. Tangia: the angel
15. Tarsha: a brave woman
16. Tavvi: a deer
17. Tayen: a new moon
18. Taynee: born during the returning moon
19. Tazanna: princess
20. Tehya: a precious one
21. Tiponya: great horned owl

Native American girl names starting with U:

1. Udavine: a thriving woman
2. Uela: one who is devoted to God
3. Ukaleq: hare from Arctic
4. Ulloriaq: star-like
5. Umatilla: princess
6. Unega: white
7. Uqalik: hare from Arctic
8. Urika: useful to all
9. Usdi: baby
10. Utah: people of the mountains; from the state of Utah
11. Utina: woman of the country

Native American girl names starting with W:

1. Wakanda: magic power
2. Wakeishah: filled with happiness
3. Waneta: charger
4. Warma: a caring woman
5. Wauna: snow goose
6. Wednesday: born on a Wednesday
7. Weeko: pretty girl
8. Wenona: first-born daughter
9. Wicapi: a holy star
10. Winema: female chief
11. Winetta: one who is peaceful
12. Winona: first-born daughter
13. Woody: a woman of the forest
14. Wyanet: of great beauty; legendary beauty

Native American girl names starting with Y:

1. Wakanda: magic power
2. Wakeishah: filled with happiness
3. Waneta: charger
4. Warma: a caring woman
5. Wauna: snow goose
6. Wednesday: born on a Wednesday
7. Weeko: pretty girl
8. Wenona: first-born daughter
9. Wicapi: a holy star
10. Winema: female chief
11. Winetta: one who is peaceful
12. Winona: first-born daughter
13. Woody: a woman of the forest
14. Wyanet: of great beauty; legendary beauty

Native American girl names starting with Z:

1. Zaltana: high mountain
2. Zesta: one with energy and gusto
3. Zihna: top spinner
4. Zintkala Kinyan: resembling a flying bird
5. Ziracuny: water monster
6. Zitkala: bird
7. Zonta: trustworthy
8. Zuni: one who is creative
9. Zyanya: always; forever


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