If you are looking for Malay girl names with meanings in alphabet order, then we picked a list of ( 100 ) Indonesian girl names with meanings for you.
Choosing a name for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent.
There are many factors to be considered when you choose a name for your baby like the history of the name, the popularity of it, and the meaning and origin of the name.
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Indonesian girl names starting with A:
1. Adiratna: beautiful jewel
2. Agnes: chaste
3. Agustina: a beautiful jewel
4. Angkasa: the sky
5. Ani: very beautiful
6. Aninda: dear
7. Anita: graceful; sweet
8. Annisa: companion; faithful friend
9. Asmara: love
10. Athirah: flower
11. Aulia: leader; good friend
Indonesian girl names starting with B, C:
1. Bethari: goddess
2. Buana: earth
3. Budiwati: the wise one
4. Bulan: moon
5. Cahya: light
6. Chika: God is supreme
7. Cindy: Cinderella
8. Citra: image
Indonesian girl names starting with D:
1. Dahlia: flower
2. Desi: desire
3. Devi: goddess
4. Dewi: the goddess
5. Diah: young female
6. Diann: candle
7. Dilla: small winged
8. Dwi: second child
Indonesian girl names starting with E, F:
1. Eka: first child
2. Elin: beautiful woman
3. Elok: beautiful; jewel
4. Endah: beautiful
5. Esti: of sweet flavour
6. Farah: happiness
7. Farida: valuable; unique
8. Fenny: security
Indonesian girl names starting with G, H, I, J:
1. Gemi: modest lifestyle
2. Gita: song
3. Guritno: poetic
4. Hana: bud blossom
5. Harem: aromatic
6. Indah: beautiful one
7. Intan: diamond
8. Inten: diamond
9. Jihan: universe
Indonesian girl names starting with K, L:
1. Kemala: magic stone
2. Kemuning: yellow flower
3. Kintan: wearing a crown
4. Kirana: beautiful sunbeam
5. Kristiyana: Christian woman
6. Leni: torch
7. Lestari: eternal; everlasting
8. Lintang: star
9. Lisna: good
Indonesian girl names starting with M:
1. Mariana: shapely clean
2. Marshanda: brave girl
3. Mawar: rose
4. Mega: the clouds
5. Mentari: the sun
6. Melati: Jasmine flower
7. Mentari: the sun
8. Merpati: dove
9. Mlathi: Jasmine
10. Murni: pure
Indonesian girl names starting with N:
1. Nabila: honest; respectable
2. Nadia: moist
3. Ndari: full moon
4. Netra: vision
5. Nila: blue
6. Nilam: blue gem
7. Ningrat: noble
8. Ningrum: inside the soul
9. Ningsih: with love
10. Nini: stone; old woman
11. Nisrina: white rose
12. Nita: bear
13. Nurul: light
Indonesian girl names starting with P, R:
1. Permata: precious stones
2. Pertiwi: earth
3. Putri: daughter; princess
4. Rara: a woman with lesser nobility
5. Ratna: jewel
6. Ratu: queen; truthful
7. Reka: council
8. Resa: harvester
9. Rily: absolutely
10. Rimba: jungle
11. Rina: clean; pure
12. Roro: nobility
Indonesian girl names starting with S:
1. Safira: mediatrix
2. Setia: truth; faithfulness
3. Setiawati: loyal and faithful
4. Shafira: separated
5. Siti: a woman with noble qualities
6. Susil: a woman of good character
Indonesian girl names starting with T, V, Y:
1. Taman: garden
2. Tri: third child
3. Vira: hero
4. Vita: life
5. Vivi: living
6. Yani: peace
7. Yulia: youthful; downy