If you are looking for Polish Female names with meanings in alphabet order, then we picked a list of ( 244 ) Polish girl names for you.
Choosing a name for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent.
There are many factors to be considered when you choose a name for your baby like the history of the name, the popularity of it, and the meaning and origin of the name.
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Polish girl names that start with A:
1. Adela: noble
2. Agata: virtuous, good
3. Agnieszka: pure, holy
4. Albinka: blond
5. Aldona: old
6. Aleska: defender of mankind
7. Alicja: noble
8. Alina: one who is beautiful and bright
9. Alka: intelligent
10. Amelia: work
11. Anastazja: reborn
12. Andzelika: angel
13. Aneta: favour, grace
14. Ania: grace
15. Aniela: gracious, merciful
16. Anieli: manly
17. Anka: grace
18. Antonina: priceless
19. Apolonia: sun
20. Aurele: fair-haired
Polish girl names that start with B:
1. Balbina:
2. Basha: foreign woman
3. Basia: foreigner
4. Beata: blessed
5. Berta: famous; noble
6. Biata: blessed; powerful
7. Bibiana: alive; full of life
8. Bodgana: fearless
9. Bogna: given by God
10. Bohgana: gift of God
11. Bona: good
12. Brygida: strong; the exalted one
Polish girl names that start with C:
1. Cecilia: blind
2. Cecyl: blind; sixth
3. Cecylja: dim sighted; blind
4. Cela: blind; sixth; the moon; heavenly
5. Celek: the moon
6. Celestyna: heavenly
7. Cena: value; keen
8. Chec: wish; desire
9. Chmura: cloud
10. Choma: wall
11. Chwila: moment
12. Cicho: softly; silently
13. Cytryna: lemon
14. Czekolada: chocolate
15. Czeslawa: glory
Polish girl names that start with D:
1. Dabrowka: oak Grove
2. Dagmara: wonderful soul; sublime soul
3. Daiya: present; gift
4. Dana: God is my judge
5. Danica: morning star
6. Danuta: gift of God
7. Daria: wealthy; sea; king
8. Darmo: free
9. Debora: bee
10. Delja: daughter of the sea
11. Dita: fortune of strife
12. Dobroc: kindness
13. Dobek: gift; given by God
14. Domka: of the lord; belonging to God
15. Dorota: gift of God
16. Dosia: gift of God
17. Drogi: dear; expensive; beloved
18. Duzy: big; large
Polish girl names that start with E:
1. Edyta: wealthy gift
2. Ela: my God is my Oath
3. Elwira: white
4. Elzbieta: my God is my Oath
5. Estera: Myrtle leaf
6. Euzebia: pious
7. Ewa: life
Polish girl names that start with F:
1. Fela: lucky
2. Felcia: lucky
3. Felicyta: fortunate; good luck
4. Felka: lucky; happy
5. Filipa: lover of horses
6. Florentyna: blooming
7. Franciszka: free one
8. Fryderyka: peaceful ruler
Polish girl names that start with G:
1. Gabryjela: God is my strength
2. Gabrysia: God is my strength
3. Gaja: earth
4. Genowefa: wife
5. Gertruda: spear strength
6. Gizela: pledge; promise
7. Gracja: charm; grace
8. Grazyna: grace; beauty
9. Gutka: good
Polish girl names that start with H:
1. Halina: light; shinning one
2. Halinka: calm
3. Hania: grace
4. Hanka: God has favoured me; God is gracious
5. Helena: sun ray; shinning light
6. Heniuta: bless the home
7. Henka: home ruler
8. Henrieta: home ruler
9. Hiacynt: name of the flower
10. Hilaria: cheerful or happy
11. Honorata: woman of honour; honoured
12. Hortenspa: farmer
13. Humilia: humble
Polish girl names that start with I:
1. Iga: warrior
2. Inga: protected by Ing
3. Irena: peace
4. Iwona: bow of yew
5. Iza: my God is my Oath
6. Izabela: my God is my Oath
Polish girl names that start with J:
1. Jadwiga: battle
2. Jadzia: battle
3. Jagoda: Berry
4. Jana: God is gracious
5. Janalee: God is gracious
6. Jolanta: violet flower
7. Julia: youthful
8. Justyna: righteous; just
Polish girl names that start with K:
1. Kalina: viburnum; a tree with white and pink flowers
2. Katarzyna: pure
3. Karina: pure; beloved
4. Kasia: pure
5. Kinga: brave
6. Krystyna: Christian
7. Ksenia: hospitable
Polish girl names that start with L:
1. Larysa: cheerful; joyful
2. Leokadia: white; clear
3. Lila: of the people
4. Lilianna: lily; pure
5. Lodoiska: famous battle maid
6. Lucja: bright
7. Lucyna: bright
8. Ludka: famous battle maid
9. Luisa: famous battle maid
10. Lyudmila: loved by the people
Polish girl names that start with M:
1. Mada: bitter
2. Maja: splendid; from God
3. Magdalena: woman of Magdala
4. Manina: warlike
5. Marcelina: warlike
6. Margisia: pearl
7. Margita: pearl
8. Maria: bitter; from the sea
9. Marjon: bitter
10. Marta: bitter
11. Marysia: drop of the sea; bitter; beloved
12. Marzanna: goddess
13. Masia: bitter
14. Matyidy: mighty battle maid
15. Mela: dark
16. Melka: half-ground grain
17. Minka: strong
18. Miroslawa: peace and glory
19. Morela: apricot
Polish girl names that start with N:
1. Nadia: hope
2. Nadzia: hope
3. Nata: hope
4. Natalia: born on Christmas day
5. Natasza: born on Christmas day
6. Natia: hope
7. Nelka: Stone
Polish girl names that start with O:
1. Ochota: eagerness; willingness
2. Odeta: blue; sea
3. Ofelja: help; profit
4. Ogien: fire; flame
5. Ogrod: garden
6. Oktawja: born eighth
7. Ola: defender of men
8. Olenka: holy; blessed
9. Olesia: defender of mankind
10. Olga: blessed; successful
11. Oliwia: olive tree
12. Opieka: care
13. Orla: golden princess
14. Orszula: little female bear
15. Otylia: wealth; prosperity in battle
Polish girl names that start with P:
1. Patrycja: noble
2. Pawlina: a humble and little one
3. Petra: Stone
4. Petronela: Stone
5. Poila: one who has strength
6. Pola: apollo
Polish girl names that start with R:
1. Radomila: glad favour
2. Radoslawa: glad glory
3. Rahel: lamb
4. Rasia: regal
5. Rasine: rose
6. Renia: queen
7. Roch: crow
8. Roksana: dawn; star
9. Romana: wise protection
10. Roza: rose
11. Rozalia: rose
12. Rozyuka: rose
13. Ruta: friend
Polish girl names that start with S:
1. Sabina: a woman from the Northern Italian Sabine tribe
2. Salomea: peace
3. Stanislawa: famous
4. Stefcia: garland; crown
5. Swiecic: shine; glitter; sparkle
6. Sylwia: woods; forest
7. Szanowac: honor; esteem
8. Szary: Gray
9. Szatynka: dark blond girl
10. Szyba: sheet of water
Polish girl names that start with T:
1. Tamary: palm tree
2. Tekli: famous for God
3. Teodory: gift of God
4. Teodozji: gift from God
5. Tereska: harvester
6. Tesia: loved by God
7. Tola: praiseworthy
8. Trishna: protector of graves
9. Truda: warrior woman
10. Trudka: beloved warrior
Polish girl names that start with U:
1. Uciecha: joy
2. Ula: little bear
3. Ulewa: rainstorm
4. Ulryka: noble; ruler
5. Uroda: beauty; charm
6. Urok: charm
7. Urszula: little female bear
Polish girl names that start with W:
1. Wanda: warrior
2. Wera: truth
3. Weronika: true image
4. Wiktoria: victory
5. Wiola: violet
6. Wioletta: violet
7. Wisia: battle; victory
8. Wislawa: great glory
Polish girl names that start with Y:
1. Yachne: gracious; God is gracious
2. Yalgonata: pearl
3. Yetta: home ruler
Polish girl names that start with Z:
1. Zaklina: supplanter
2. Zali: princess
3. Zaneta: God is gracious
4. Zdzislawa: created with glory
5. Zeraldina: on who rules the spear
6. Ziva: life
7. Zlota: golden
8. Zocha: wisdom
9. Zofia: wisdom
10. Zosia: the person who acts with both their brain and their heart; wisdom
11. Zuzanna: lily
12. Zuzela: name of a town in Poland
13. Zyta: harvester; reaper