126 Mexican girl names with meanings/ Hispanic girl names


If you are looking for Hispanic girl names with meanings in alphabet order, then we picked a list of ( 126 ) Mexican girl names with meanings for you.

Choosing a name for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent.
There are many factors to be considered when you choose a name for your baby like the history of the name, the popularity of it, and the meaning and origin of the name.

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Mexican girl names, Hispanic girl names

Mexican girl names starting with A:

1. Abril: April
2. Adalia: kind; noble
3. Adana: earth
4. Adelina: kind; noble
5. Adoncia: sweet
6. Aldona: wise
7. Alejandra: defender of mankind
8. Alma: kind
9. Amaranta: flower
10. Amelia: industrious
11. Amora: love
12. Ana: gracious
13. Antonia: priceless; praiseworthy
14. Araceli: alter of heaven
15. Ariana: very holy
16. Aurelia: golden
17. Aurora: dawn

Mexican girl names starting with B:

1. Bernanda: strong as a bear
2. Betania: house of figs
3. Bianca: fair; white
4. Blanca: white
5. Bonita: Beautiful; pretty little girl

Mexican girl names starting with C:

1. Calandria: fun
2. Camila: young ceremonial attendant
3. Carmelita: garden
4. Carmen: song
5. Casta: pure
6. Catalina: pure
7. Celia: heaven
8. Charo: Beautiful
9. Cielo: my sky
10. Clarisa: bright; clear; shinning
11. Claudia: lame
12. Corazon: heart

Mexican girl names starting with D:

1. Daniela: God is my judge
2. Desideria: desire
3. Dia: day
4. Dita: joyous
5. Dolores: sorrows
6. Dominga: Sunday
7. Dulce: sweet

Mexican girl names starting with E, F, G:

1. Elena: shinning light
2. Elisa: devoted to God
3. Esme: emerald
4. Esperanza: hope
5. Estelle: star
6. Faustina: lucky
7. Fernanda: adventurous; brave
8. Florencia: blooming; flowering
9. Frida: peace
10. Gabriela: God is my strength
11. Galena: intelligent
12. Gloria: glory
13. Gracia: grace
14. Guadalupe: title for virgin Mary

Mexican girl names starting with I, J, K:

1. Ignacia: fire
2. Ines: pure
3. Irene: peace
4. Irma: world
5. Isabella: devoted to God
6. Jacinta: beautiful girl; hyacinth
7. Jade: green gemstone
8. Juana: God is gracious
9. Kemena: strong one

Mexican girl names starting with L:

1. Leona: lion
2. Leticia: full of joy
3. Lia: bearer of good news
4. Liliana: lily
5. Linda: Beautiful girl
6. Lola: strong
7. Lucia: light
8. Luciana: light
9. Luna: moon

Mexican girl names starting with M:

1. Malena: woman from Magdala
2. Margarita: child of light
3. Maria: star of the sea
4. Marina: sea maiden
5. Martina: warlike
6. Mira: extraordinary
7. Miranda: to be wandered at
8. Mireya: miraculous
9. Mora: little blueberry

Mexican girl names starting with N, O, P:

1. Neva: snow
2. Noemi: pleasant
3. Olina: protector
4. Olivia: olive tree
5. Ora: gold
6. Osana: health
7. Ovidia: sheep
8. Paloma: dove
9. Petra: Stone
10. Pia: righteous; pious

Mexican girl names starting with Q, R, S:

1. Querida: beloved
2. Ramona: wise woman
3. Rocio: dew
4. Rosa: Rose
5. Salvadora: savior
6. Sancha: holy
7. Sara: princess
8. Selena: moon
9. Shoshana: lily
10. Sofia: wise; wisdom
11. Solana: Sunshine
12. Stella: star

Mexican girl names starting with T, U, V:

1. Tessy: summer
2. Thalia: to blossom
3. Theodora: gift of God
4. Tianna: princess
5. Tierra: earth
6. Ula: well-spoken
7. Valentina: healthy; strong
8. Valeria: health; strength
9. Vanessa: butterfly
10. Veronica: true image
11. Victoria: victory
12. Violeta: purple
13. Vittoria: victory

Mexican girl names starting with X, Y, Z:

1. Xaviera: bright; splendid
2. Ximena: he has heard
3. Xiomara: valiant; ready for battle
4. Xochilt: flower
5. Yesenia: gypsy
6. Yolanda: violet
7. Yomaris: sun
8. Zaneta: small apple
9. Zita: seeker


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