140 beautiful Scottish girl names with meanings


If you are looking for Scottish Female names with meanings in alphabet order, then we picked ( 140 ) Scottish girl names with meanings for you.

Choosing a name for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent.
There are many factors to be considered when you choose a name for your baby like the history of the name, the popularity of it, and the meaning and origin of the name.

Find more baby girl names by letters:

A   B    C     D                      I     J            

         P          S         U     V               Z

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Scottish girl names starting with A:

1. Aileen: light
2. Ailsa: supernatural victory
3. Ainsley: one’s own meadow
4. Akira: one who acts as an anchor
5. Annabel: beautiful, graceful
6. Ansley: clearing with a small dwelling

Scottish girl names starting with B:

1. Beathag: to serve God
2. Befel: a beautiful; loving woman
3. Blaen: little yellow one
4. Blair: field; battlefield
5. Bonea: pretty
6. Bonnie: fine; pretty
7. Bowie: fair-haired
8. Bradan: resembling the salmon
9. Bronia: fair bosomed
10. Bunny: good; fair of face; charming
11. Bunty: lamb

Scottish girl names starting with C:

1. Cailean: to be a girl
2. Calder: stream; through rough waters
3. Calgary: green pasture by the Bay
4. Calhoun: a corner
5. Cam: someone who has a crooked nose
6. Cameron: crooked nose
7. Campbell: crooked mouth
8. Carlisle: someone from a walled city
9. Catriona: someone who is pure
10. Ceilidh: to dance; to rejoice
11. Clyde: river name in Scotland
12. Coilin: young child
13. Craig: rock
14. Cullen: someone who is good looking

Scottish girl names starting with D:

1. Dallas: Valley of the water
2. Dallin: belonging to the meadow
3. Dallis: one from the Dales
4. Daviana: a beloved person who is everyone’s favourite
5. Davida: beloved person
6. Davina: a divine person
7. Donaldina: world ruler
8. Donella: Elfin girl who has dark haired

Scottish girl names starting with E:

1. Effie: pleasant; of good repute; spoken well of 
2. Eilidh: sun; radiant one
3. Eilis: almighty’s promise
4. Elspeth: holy and scared to God
5. Enya: jewel; blazing

Scottish girl names starting with F:

1. Fenella: white shoulders
2. Fennella: fair and white shoulders
3. Fergus: man strength
4. Finlay: white warrior
5. Finley: the fair, courageous hero in the battle
6. Fiona: white; bright
7. Frasier: strawberry
8. Frazer: someone who is generous

Scottish girl names starting with G:

1. Gara: short
2. Gavenia: white hawk
3. Geneen: God is gracious
4. Gilbarta: pledge
5. Giorsala: graceful
6. Gordana: Hill near the meadow
7. Greer: watchful
8. Grier: vigilant
9. Gunna: white

Scottish girl names starting with I:

1. Ian: gift from God
2. Ila: earth; island
3. Ilyssa: holy and scared to God
4. Inghean: her father’s daughter
5. Innes: strength
6. Iona: violet; dove
7. Irvin: fresh water
8. Ishbel: God is my Oath
9. Isla: Island; a river in Scotland
10. Ivor: archer

Scottish girl names starting with J:

1. Jaimy: he who replaces
2. Jaine: a little girl who was gift from God
3. Jamyah: one who is replacing
4. Jaymiee: one with a beautiful face
5. Jean: God is gracious

Scottish girl names starting with k:

1. Kamryn: crooked nose
2. Kassidy: clever
3. Kenia: handsome
4. Kenna: fair one
5. Kenzie: light one
6. Kirsten: annointed
7. Kirsty: annointed
8. Kyla: lovely

Scottish girl names starting with L:

1. Lachina: lake land
2. Lainie: bright shinning one
3. Lair: mare
4. Leslie: grey fortress
5. Leith: flowing water
6. Leslee: a holy tree found in the garden 
7. Leslie: a yard

Scottish girl names starting with M:

1. Mairi: wished for child; beloved
2. Maisie: resembling a pearl
3. Marnie: joy; rejoice
4. Melvina: slender; gentle
5. Meriel: sea nymph; shinning sea
6. Moira: fate; star of the sea
7. Morag: great; star of the sea

Scottish female names starting with N:

1. Nairna: dweller at the alder tree River
2. Nandag: favor; grace
3. Nathara: a snake
4. Nessia: pure
5. Nevina: daughter of a saint
6. Newlyn: born during the spring
7. Nylah: cloud; champion

Scottish female names starting with O:

1. Ogilvy: kind and forgiving
2. Oglesby: not widely known
3. Oighrig: well spoken
4. Osla: one who came from a steep place
5. Owena: a high-born woman

Scottish female names starting with P:

1. Paisley: patterned fabric
2. Parlon: farmer
3. Pate: one who is born with paws
4. Peigi: one who is coverned by tradition
5. Puspamanjari: like a flower bud

Scottish female names starting with R:

1. Raoghnailt: lamb; ewe
2. Reyne: to rule; queen
3. Rhona: fame; friend ; powerful
4. Robena: bright fame
5. Rossalyn: promontory
6. Rosse: a headland; a cape

Scottish female names starting with S:

1. Saile: blind
2. Scottie: from Scotland
3. Senga: slender; holy
4. Seonaid: gift from God
5. Sheena: God is gracious
6. Sileas: heaven
7. Sima: a treasure
8. Sine: God is gracious

Scottish female names starting with T:

1. Taithleach: a quite and calm young lady ( Gaelic)
2. Tara: of the tower; rocky hill (Gaelic)
3. Tavie: twin
4. Taye: a short of Taylor
5. Teagan: attractive (Gaelic)
6. Teranika: victory of the earth (Gaelic)
7. Tierney: regal; lordly (Gaelic)
8. Torrii: a triumphant person; victorious

Scottish female names starting with V:

1. Vanora: white wave
2. Vertie: deprived from Virtue
3. Victoria: victory; victorious
4. Vika: a bird; wind; full of life


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