If you are looking for Czech Female names with meanings in alphabet order, then we picked a list of ( 112 ) Czech girl names with meanings for you.
Choosing a name for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent.
There are many factors to be considered when you choose a name for your baby like the history of the name, the popularity of it, and the meaning and origin of the name.
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Czech girl names starting with A:
1. Adéla: noble
2. Agata: virtuous
3. Alexandra: defender of the people
4. Alžběta: promised to God
5. Amalie: work
6. Anastázie: resurrection
7. Andela: God’s messenger
8. Anezka: pure
9. Angelika: Angelic
10. Anna: favor
11. Antonie: priceless
Czech girl names starting with B:
1. Barbora: stranger; foreigner
2. Beata: blessed
3. Belias: a white woman
4. Benesa: she who is blessed
5. Berta: bright; famous
6. Betuse: white
7. Bohumila: favoured by God
8. Brigita: exalted one
9. Bronislava: protector of glory
Czech girl names starting with C, D:
1. Cenda: compassionate; fragile
2. Dalibora: fighting far away
3. Darina: God’s gift
4. Darja: one who has God
5. Denisa: dedicated to God
6. Dominika: lord
7. Dorota: God’s gift
8. Drahomira: precious; peaceful
Czech girl names starting with E, F:
1. Edita: prosperous in war
2. Eliska: devoted to God
3. Ema: universal; whole
4. Evelina: desired; water; island
1. Fiala: violet flower
2. Franceline: free woman
3. Francetta: free woman
4. Franka: free woman
5. Frantiska: free of from France
Czech girl names starting with G, H:
1. Gaba: God is my strength
2. Gabina: the same as Gaba
3. Gabinka: God is my strength
4. Gabra: God is my strength
5. Gizella: pledge
6. Hana: grace
Czech girl names starting with I, J:
1. Izabela: promise of God
2. Ivona: of the yew tree
3. Jagr: Hunter
4. Jenka: Yahweh is merciful
5. Jindriska: home ruler
6. Jirina: farmer
7. Jitka: God will be praised
8. Josefina: God increases
9. Justyna: fair; just
Czech girl names starting with K:
1. Karolina: warrior; free person
2. Kataka: virgin woman
3. Katerina: pure
4. Khris: follower of Christ
5. Klara: bright; shinning; clear
6. Klaudie: the lame and crippled one
7. Krasomila: lover of beauty
8. Krissa: follower of Christ
9. Krista: follower of Christ
10. Kristyna: follower of Christ
11. Kryssa: same as Krista
12. Krysti: same as Krista
13. Kvetuse: flower; blossom
Czech girl names starting with L:
1. Lenka: light
2. Lida: from Lydia in Greece
3. Lidmila: gracious
4. Liliana: pure; innocent
5. Lubomira: she who loves the peace and the world
6. Lydie: from Lydia in Greece
Czech girl names starting with M:
1. Magdalena: from Magdala
2. Margita: a pearl
3. Markeda: pearl
4. Markee: dweller by the boundary
5. Markeeta: pearl
6. Marketa: pearl
7. Markia: pearl
8. Marqueta: a pearl
9. Maxi: the greatest
10. Melanie: dark
11. Milana: union; grace; favor
Czech girl names starting with N, O, P:
1. Nadezda: hope
2. Natalie: born on Christmas day
3. Ognyana: fiery
4. Olexa: defender of mankind
5. Olivie: olive tree
6. Ondra: manly and virile
7. Ondrea: strong; courageous
8. Pavlina: tiny; little one
Czech girl names starting with R:
1. Radka: happy; peace; great
2. Radomira: happy; peace; great; famous
3. Rebeka: captivating
4. Renata: reborn
5. Rusalka: a wood’s spite
6. Ruzena: rose
7. Rút: companion
Czech girl names starting with S, T, U:
1. Sara: princess
2. Sofie: wisdom
3. Stepanka: crown
4. Tana: star goddess
5. Tereza: to harvest
6. Triska: silver jewel
7. Ursula: little bear
Czech girl names starting with V:
1. Vahnda: wanderer
2. Valerie: strength; health
3. Vendula: having greater glory
4. Vera: faith
5. Viktorie: victory
6. Vondra: womanly; brave
7. Vonni: womanly
Czech girl names starting with X, Z:
1. Xénie: welcome guest
2. Zaneta: God is gracious
3. Zdenka: woman from Sidon
4. Zofie: wisdom