85 Maori boy names with meanings


If you are looking for Maori male names with meanings in alphabet order, then we picked ( 85 ) Maori boy names with meanings for you.

Choosing a name for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent.
There are many factors to be considered when you choose a name for your baby like the history of the name, the popularity of it, and the meaning and origin of the name.

This list of Maori baby boy names contains unique boy names, cute boy names, popular boy names, cool boy names, and strong boy names.

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85 Maori boy names with meanings

Maori boy names that start with A:

1. Aata: bear; stone
2. Ahika: sustaining and enhancing our place communities; challenge
3. Aiali’i: chief of a village
4. Akahata: supreme
5. Amahau: to gather
6. Amiri: east wind
7. Anewa: to fall
8. Apera: breath
9. Aperahama: father of the mighty nation
10. Arapeta: a famous man
11. Ari: a majestic eagle
12. Atama: soul; expensive
13. Atawhai: kind; caring

Maori boy names that start with E:

1. Ekara: eagle
2. Eru: a Ngati Manawa chief killed by Tuhoe in 1866
3. Eriatara: a kaipara chief
4. Eruera: prosperous; rich and happy guardian
5. Etera: aid; help

Maori boy names that start with H:

1. Hahona: healer
2. Haimona: listening
3. Harata: free man
4. Hare: manly; strong
5. Hau: wind
6. Heho: God rescues
7. Heketoro: fairy spirit
8. Hemi: he who supplants
9. Henare: home ruler; estate ruler
10. Hepetipa: one of the Maori prophets
11. Huatare: a famous chief
12. Hunapo: hidden darkness
13. Hunu: sun; sun ray

Maori boy names that start with I:

1. Iarere: to descend; the descendant
2. Iehohapata: the lord judges
3. Ieni: the lord judges
4. Ietepere: chaste; unmarried
5. Ietoro: pre-eminence
6. Ihaia: God is my salvation
7. Ihaka: he will laugh
8. Ihu: God rescues
9. Ikaroa: the longest part of a fish
10. Inia: a body of water
11. Iorama: God is exalted
12. Iorangi: the cirrus cloud
13. Iraia: the God wrestler
14. Irirangi: the spirit voice
15. Iwi: nation; tribe

Maori boy names that start with K:

1. Kahuangi: precious; jewel; blue
2. Kamaka: rock
3. Kiritopa: bearer of Christ
4. Koraka: south Island chief

Maori boy names that start with M, N:

1. Maaka: consecrated to the god
2. Mahaka: a Ngati kahungunu chief
3. Makareta: pearl
4. Manaaki: to cherish; conserve
5. Mikaere: who is like God
6. Nikau: palm tree

Maori boy names that start with O, P:

1. Otikoro: a cheif of Hawaiki
2. Paikea: tame whale
3. Pio: pious
4. Pita: rock
5. Purta: a mythical person
6. Puta: a mythological person

Maori boy names that start with R, S:

1. Rangi: heaven; the sky
2. Rapata: bright fame
3. Rawiri: beloved
4. Rongo: god of rain and fertility; peace
5. Ropata: bright fame
6. Rua: lake
7. Ruru: morepork, a native new Zealand’s owl
8. Sione: Yahweh is gracious; Yahweh is merciful

Maori boy names that start with T:

1. Tai: the sea or coast
2. Tama: sun
3. Tamati: twin
4. Tane: husband
5. Tanemahuta: man
6. Tangaroa: god of fire
7. Tawera: a morning star
8. Tayn: god of light
9. Tipene: crowned
10. Tui: a honey eater bird

Maori boy names that start with U, W:

1. Uenuku: God of the rainbow; a priest of Hawaiki at the time of Heke
2. Waraki: god of the sea
3. Witi: first name of the Author
4. Whetu: a star; a chief of Ngati-rongo
5. Whiro: God of the evil and darkness

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