Today we are going to introduce you to some of the best boy names that start with V, from different origins with meanings.
Every region of the world comes with its own collection of girl names, boy names and gender neural names.
With so many boy name options out there, choosing the right one can be a difficult decision. The name you choose for your baby boy will be a defining piece of her throughout her life.
Some people love popular boy names and want to choose one that is trending, while others prefer uncommon baby names.
So if you are expecting a baby boy, or you know a pregnant woman with a boy, this is a guide for you.
This guide of male names that start with V contains ( 253 ) baby boy names from different origins with meanings whether you go for a strong and powerful boy names, or a rare and unique one.
Key symbolism and personality for names start with V:
According to name echo, people whose names start with letter V are pragmatic and understand that the only way for them to achieve what they want is by planning.
They are also industrious, intuitive and knowledgeable.
They know what they want and how to obtain it through hard work.
Search for boy names by letters:

French boy names that start with V:
1. Vachel: one who tends cows; little cow
2. Vallis: from Wales
3. Valri: one who is strong
4. Varden: green hill
5. Verdun: fort on the hill
6. Vere: alder tree
7. Vern: alder tree Grove
8. Verney: alder tree Grove
9. Vernon: alder tree Grove
10. Verrill: loyal
11. Vine: vineyard worker
12. Vitale: alive; lively
Czech boy names that start with V:
1. Vaclav: wreath of glory
2. Vavrinec: crowned with laurels
3. Venceslav: glory of the wends
4. Vilek: resolute protector
5. Vladislav: glorious ruler
6. Vlastimil: graceful power
7. Vojtech: soldiers consolation
Indian boy names that start with V:
1. Vadin: skilled speaker
2. Vaijnath: refers to god Shiva
3. Valin: mighty warrior
4. Valle: from the Glen
5. Vamana: worthy of peace
6. Vandan: saved
7. Varen: better
8. Varil: water
9. Variya: the excellent one
10. Varun: rain god
11. Vasant: spring
12. Vasava: refers to Indra
13. Vasin: ruler; lord
14. Vasu: wealthy; prosperous
15. Vasuki: in Hinduism, a serpent king
16. Vasuman: son born of fire
17. Vatsa: our beloved son
18. Vatsal: one who is affectionate
19. Ved: sacred knowledge; sacred writings
20. Veer: brave
21. Venkat: sacred Hill
22. Vidya: wise
23. Vijay: victorious
24. Vimal: pure
25. Vinay: polite
26. Vinod: happy; joyful
27. Vipin: from the forest
28. Vipul: plentiful
29. Viraj: resplendent
30. Virat: large
31. Vishal: large
32. Vishnu: protector
33. Vivek: wisdom
Finnish boy names that start with V:
1. Vaina: river’s mouth
2. Veiju: brother
3. Veiko: brother
4. Veksa: brother
5. Vesa: young tree
6. Vesti: wooded; forest
7. Vesukka: young plant
8. Victorinus: victory
9. Vieno: gentle
10. Vihtori: victorious
11. Viiti: eagle tree
12. Vikko: famous in war; famous
13. Villem: will helmet; protection
Latin boy names that start with V:
1. Val: strength
2. Valentine: strong; powerful; brave
3. Valerian: strong; healthy
4. Valiant: strong protector; brave; valiant
5. Varian: variable; the changeable one
6. Varius: a versatile man
7. Vedie: sight
8. Ventura: venture
9. Vere: truth
10. Verge: stick; edge
11. Vergil: flourishing; staff bearer
12. Verlin: flourishing; blooming
13. Vern: youthful; spring time
14. Vernon: youthful; spring time
15. Victor: victorious conqueror
16. Vidal: vital; lively; life
17. Vincent: conqueror; victor
18. Virgil: staff bearer
19. Virginius: pure; chaste
20. Vitalis: alive; lively; full of life
21. Vitas: alive; lively
22. Vito: one who gives life
23. Vitus: giver of life
24. Vivian: gracious in life; lively
Scandinavian boy names that start with V:
1. Vagn: a carriage in Icelandic language
2. Valborg: protection from the slaughter
3. Valdimar: ruler of the ocean
4. Valfrid: strong peace
5. Valgard: foreign spear
6. Vanir: of the ancient gods
7. Varg: resembling a wolf
8. Vegard: protected place
9. Veit: wide
10. Vestmaòr: a Western man
11. Vidar: warrior of the forest
12. Vigharthur: one who is fearless in war
13. Viking: Vikings
German boy names that start with V:
1. Valdemar: famous ruler
2. Valdus: powerful; battle hero; famous ruler
3. Varick: a protective ruler
4. Vernados: courage of a bear
5. Verner: defending army
6. Verrill: masculine
7. Vilfred: peaceful king
8. Vilhelm: determined guardian
9. Vogel: bird
10. Volker: folk person
11. Volney: the people’s spirit
Italian boy names that start with V:
1. Valentino: strong; powerful; brave
2. Valerio: brave or strong
3. Vanni: God is gracious
4. Vasilios: royal; kingly
5. Vincenzo: victorious conqueror
6. Vinci: victorious conqueror
7. Vitale: alive; lively
8. Vito: victorious conqueror
9. Vittore: victorious conqueror
10. Vittorio: victor
Russian boy names that start with V:
1. Vadim: a good-looking man
2. Valerii: strong; healthy
3. Vanya: God is gracious
4. Vasily: royal; like a king
5. Venedict: blessed
6. Vitya: victorious conqueror
7. Vlad: ruling prince
8. Vladimir: ruling prince
9. Vladislav: ruling prince
10. Vyacheslav: one who receives more glory
Dutch boy names that start with V:
1. Vadar: a fatherly man
2. Van: of; from
3. Vander: belonging
4. Vandenberg: from the hill
5. Vanderpool: from the pool
6. Vanderveer: from the ferry
7. Vandy: one who travels; wanderer
8. Ven: of
9. Verbnigge: from the bridge
10. Vogel: bird
11. Vromme: wise
12. Vsnderveer: from the ferry
Hungarian boy names that start with V:
1. Varad: fortress
2. Varsany: name of an ethnic group
3. Vayk: rich
4. Vencel: victorious
5. Vidor: happy
6. Viktor: victorious
7. Vinci: conqueror; victor
8. Vincze: victorious
9. Virag: resembling a flower
10. Vitez: a courageous warrior
Greek boy names that start with V:
1. Valerius: healthy; strong
2. Vangelis: good tidings
3. Vanko: gracious gift
4. Vasilis: royal; like a king
5. Vassily: royal; kingly
6. Vasyltso: regal
7. Vasyl: regal; king; ruler
8. Venedictos: blessed
9. Vernados: courage of the bear
10. Vilppu: lover of horses
11. Vitalis: giving life; lively
12. Vlassis: stammering
13. Vuno: of the mountains
14. Vyron: at the cow sheds
Welsh boy names that start with V:
1. Vaddon: from Bath
2. Vaughan: small
3. Vonn: little
4. Vontell: little
5. Vorath: worthy lord
6. Vychan: small
Cambodian boy names that start with V:
1. Vanna: golden
2. Veasna: lucky
3. Veha: sky
4. Vibol: a man of plenty
5. Vichear: knowledge
6. Vichet: magnificent colourful
7. Vireakboth: brave noble son
8. Visal: excellent large
9. Visoth: heavenly pure
10. Vithu: intelligent scholarly
Hebrew boy names that start with V:
1. Vanja: God is gracious
2. Vaschel: little ash tree
3. Vasili: king
4. Velvel: wolf
5. Venamin: son of the right hand
6. Vencel: wreath; garland
7. Venturo: food fortune
8. Vered: rose
9. Veto: intelligent
10. Videl: life
11. Vipponah: slim face
12. Vohkinne: roman nose
13. Voistitoevitz: white cow
14. Vovo: famous ruler
Irish boy names that start with V:
1. Vaughn: little; small
2. Venn: fair-haired
3. Veon: sky
4. Ving: green river
5. Vinnie: sword friend
6. Virgil: staff bearer; strong
7. Vivienne: alive
English boy names that start with V:
1. Vachlan: one who lives near water
2. Vance: from the marshland
3. Venn: marsh
4. Veston: Church town
5. Vian: gracious in life; lively; full of life
6. Vicar: priest
7. Vinny: a form of Calvin, Melvin, Vincent
8. Vinson: son of Vincent
Spanish boy names that start with V:
1. Vadhir: resembling a rose
2. Vermundo: bear protection
3. Victorio: victorious conqueror
4. Vidal: a giver of life
5. Vincente: conqueror; victor
6. Virgilio: flourishing; staff bearer
7. Vito: victorious conqueror
8. Vittorio: victorious conqueror
Danish boy names that start with V:
1. Vandyke: from the dike
2. Viggo: battle; warlike
3. Viktor: victor
4. Vilhelm: Danish form of William
5. Vitus: life
Croatian boy names that start with V:
1. Vanja: God is gracious
2. Velimir: one who wishes for great peace
3. Vid: wood
4. Viktor: victory
5. Vinko: conqueror
6. Vito: life
7. Vjeko: glory of the ages
8. Vjekoslav: glory of the ages
9. Vlaho: one who talks with a lisp
Bulgarian boy names that start with V:
1. Valko: wolf
2. Vasil: king
3. Velyo: A great man
4. Veselin: cheerful or happy soul
5. Vladislav: glorious ruler
Vietnamese boy names that start with V:
1. Van: cloud
2. Vien: one who is complete; satisfied
3. Viet: from Vietnam
4. Vinh: Bay gulf
5. Vuong: prosperous; developed
Romanian boy names that start with V:
1. Valeriu: to be healthy; to be strong
2. Vali: healthy; strong
3. Varujan: bird of prey
4. Vasile: king
5. Veaceslav: more glory
6. Viorel: resembling the bluebell
7. Vlad: rule; prince