230 boy names that start with W and meanings 2022

Today we are going to introduce you to some of the best boy names that start with W, from different origins with meanings.

Every region of the world comes with its own collection of girl namesboy names and gender neural names.

With so many boy name options out there, choosing the right one can be a difficult decision. The name you choose for your baby boy will be a defining piece of her throughout her life.

Some people love popular boy names and want to choose one that is trending, while others prefer uncommon baby names.

So if you are expecting a baby boy, or you know a pregnant woman with a boy, this is a guide for you.

This guide of male names that start with W contains ( 230 ) baby boy names from different origins with meanings whether you go for a strong and powerful boy names, or a rare and unique one.

Key symbolism and personality for names start with letter W:

According to name echo, people whose names start with letter W are very purposeful, creative, versatile and eager to go through changes.

They are also very active, from a both mental and physical point of view, so they usually are involved in more than one or two projects at the same time.

And the best thing they could do is to take complete advantage of their creativity.

Search for baby names by letters:

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230 boy names that start with W and meanings 2022

English boy names that start with W:

1. Wade: to cross the river ford
2. Wadley: from the meadow near the ford
3. Wadsworth: from the estate near the ford
4. Wainwright: one who builds wagons
5. Wakeley: wet meadow
6. Wakeman: watchman
7. Walby: house by a wall 
8. Walbridge: from the Welshman’s bridge
9. Walcott: cottage by the wall
10. Walden: wooded valley
11. Wales: from Wales, England
12. Walford: ford of the Welshman
13. Walker: one who trods the cloth
14. Wallace: stranger; welsh
15. Waller: builder of walls
16. Wallis: foreigner from Wales
17. Walsh: stranger; Welsh
18. Walton: fortified town with walls
19. Walwyn: Welsh friend
20. Warburton: fortified town
21. Ward: guardian; watchman
22. Wardell: guardian’s hill
23. Wardley: guardian’s meadow
24. Ware: wary
25. Warford: from the ford near the weir
26. Warick: village hero
27. Warley: from the meadow near the weir
28. Warren: from the fortress
29. Warrick: a protective ruler
30. Warwick: from the farm near the weir
31. Washington: town near water
32. Watkins: son of Walter
33. Watson: the son of Walter
34. Waverley: from the windy meadow
35. Waylon: from the roadside land
36. Wayne: one who builds wagons
37. Webb: weaver
38. Webster: weaver
39. Welborne: spring-fed stream
40. Welford: ford near the wall
41. Wellington: wealthy one’s town
42. Wells: well; stream
43. Welton: town near the well; stream
44. Wenford: white ford
45. Wentworth: white one’s estate
46. Wesley: from the western meadow
47. Westby: from the western farm
48. Westcott: west cottage
49. Weston: from the western town
50. Whit: a white-skinned man
51. Whitby: from the white farm
52. Whitcomb: white valley
53. Whitelaw: white and small hill
54. Whitey: white-skinned; fair-haired
55. Whitfield: from  the white field
56. Whitley: from the white meadow
57. Whitman: a white-haired man
58. Wildon: wooded hill
59. Wiley: one who is crafty
60. Wilford: from the willow ford
61. Will: determined
62. William: determined guardian
63. Willow: of the willow tree
64. Windsor: riverbank with a winch
65. Winfred: friend of peace
66. Winslow: friendly hill
67. Winston: of the joy stone; from the friendly town
68. Winthrop: from the friendly village
69. Winton: from the enclosed pastureland
70. Woodruff: forest ranger
71. Wright: wagon maker
72. Wyatt: having the strength of a warrior
73. Wylie: charming
74. Wyndham: from the windy village
75. Wythe: willow tree

Native American boy names that start with W:

1. Waban: east wind
2. Wahkan: sacred
3. Wakiza: determined warrior
4. Wamblee: eagle
5. Waneta: charger
6. Wanikiya: saviour
7. Wapi: lucky
8. Wemilo: everyone speaks to him
9. Wene: wagon maker
10. Wenutu: clear sky
11. Wicasa: man
12. Wichado: willing; eager
13. Wilanu: to pour water onto flour
14. Wilny: eagle singing while flying
15. Wingi: willing
16. Wuliton: to do well
17. Wunand: God is good
18. Wynono: first-born son
19. Wyome: plain

Arabic boy names that start with W:

1. Wadi: calm; peaceful; valley
2. Wafi: trustworthy
3. Wafiq: successful
4. Wahid: Unique person; lonely
5. Wajid: finder
6. Wakil: lawyer; advocate
7. Waleed: newborn child
8. Wali: servant of Allah
9. Wasim: good-looking; handsome
10. Wazire: minister
11. Witha: handsome

German boy names that start with W:

1. Waggoner: wagon maker
2. Wagner: wagon maker
3. Waldemar: well-known; powerful
4. Waldo: to wield power and reign; famous; powerful warrior
5. Walfred: peaceful ruler
6. Walter: army ruler
7. Waring: shelter
8. Warner: protecting warrior
9. Warren: defender; protector
10. Weber: weaver
11. Weiss: white
12. Wendel: wanderer
13. Wies: famous warrior
14. Wilbert: brilliant
15. Wilbur: bright
16. Wilhelm: the resolute protector
17. Willem: determined guardian
18. Willy: determined guardian
19. Wilmer: determined; famous
20. Wilmot: determined guardian
21. Wilstan: wolf stone
22. Winfield: friend of peace
23. Wolf: wolf
24. Wolfgang: path of the wolf
25. Wouter: powerful warrior

Polish boy names that start with W:

1. Walerian: strong; brave
2. Wenceslas: one who receives more glory
3. Wicent: conqueror
4. Wiktor: victorious conqueror
5. Wincent: conqueror; victor
6. Wit: life
7. Witek: victorious conqueror
8. Wlodzimierz: to rule with peace

Chinese boy names that start with W:

1. Wang: like a king; hope; wish 
2. Wei: valuable; great; a brilliant man
3. Wei Quo: precious and ruler of the country
4. Weimin: greatness to the people
5. Wen: cultured; refined
6. Wencheng: refinement accomplished
7. Wing: glory

Aboriginal boy names that start with W:

1. Waarrar: river
2. Walcha: sun
3. Wallah: rain
4. Wanbi: wild dingo
5. Warra: man of the water
6. Warrack: banksia
7. Warrigal: one who is wild
8. Wayamba: turtle
9. Weeronga: quiet
10. Weelya: parakeet ( a bird)
11. Wirrin: tea tree
12. Wirake: friend
13. Wollowra: eagle
14. Woorak: from the plains
15. Woorin: the sun
16. Worippa: storm bird
17. Wullum: sky blue
18. Wundurra: warrior

African boy names that start with W:

1. Wachiru: son of a judge
2. Waithaka: of the land
3. Waitimu: born of spear
4. Wamai: one who came from the water
5. Wambua: born during the rain
6. Wanjala: born during a famine
7. Wasswa: the first-born of twins
8. Watende: there will be revenge
9. Worie: born on market day
10. Wuyi: flying vulture

Welsh boy names that start with W:

1. Wadu: legendary son of seithved
2. Waljan: the chosen one
3. Wenlock: lake at the holy monastery
4. Wmffre: peaceful strength
5. Wren: ruler; chief
6. Wyn: fair or white
7. Wynford: white ford

Hawaiian boy names that start with W:

1. Wainani: beautiful water
2. Walaka: ruler of the army
3. Wana’ao: dawn
4. Wana’aonani: beautiful dawn
5. Wehilani: adornment from heaven
6. Wikoli: victorious conqueror
7. Wiliama: determined guardian

Scandinavian boy names that start with W:

1. Wade: traveller
2. Waylan: in mythology, a blacksmith with supernatural power
3. Wayland: from the land by the highway
4. Waylon: in mythology, a blacksmith with supernatural power
5. Welby: from the farm by the spring
6. Whitby: from the white farm
7. Wray: corner house
8. Wyborn: war bear
9. Wyck: village

French boy names that start with W:

1. Wacian: alert
2. Walsh: from Wales
3. Waltier: army ruler
4. Warrane: warden of the game
5. Warren: a game preserve
6. Wiatt: guide
7. Winoc: white; fair; blessed
8. Wyatt: little warrior

Irish boy names that start with W:

1. Wallach: Welshman
2. Ward: watchman
3. Whelan: joyful
4. Wiley: crafty
5. Williog: sprite; elf
6. Wise: wise; ardent
7. Wyllow: willow
8. Wyn: fair

Scottish boy names that start with W:

1. Wallace: a Welshman; a man from the south
2. Walter: army ruler
3. Watt: army ruler
4. Weston: town facing west
5. Wiley: a well watered meadow
6. Willie: resolute protector; determined guardian
7. Wood: from the woods; old forest
8. Wyndham: village near the winding road

Indian boy names that start with W:

1. Wahab: a big-hearted man
2. Waman: short
3. Wamika: god
4. Wariam: a fearless leader
5. Wasan: idol
6. Wasimbir: attractive man
7. Wenkat: supreme being
8. Wenkatesh: supreme being
9. Wishu: a long desire
10. Wyconda: beautiful stranger

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