170 Hawaiian boy names with meanings


If you are looking for Hawaiian male names with meanings in alphabet order, then we picked ( 170 ) Hawaiian boy names with meanings for you.

Choosing a name for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent.
There are many factors to be considered when you choose a name for your baby like the history of the name, the popularity of it, and the meaning and origin of the name.

This list of Hawaiian baby boy names contains unique boy names, cute boy names, popular boy names, cool boy names, and strong boy names.

170 Hawaiian boy names with meanings

Hawaiian boy names that start with A, B:

1. Aalona: exalted; high mountain
2. Ahe: gentle breeze
3. Aheahe: gentle breeze
4. Aikeni: little fire
5. Ailani: high chief; ruler
6. Akam: made from clay; the red earth
7. Akamai: intelligent; clever
8. Akamu: earth; formed by God
9. Akela: grateful; noble
10. Akoni: praiseworthy
11. Alani: chief
12. Alika: guardian
13. Aloha: loving person
14. Analu: manly
15. Anankoni: praiseworthy
16. Ano: immaculate; peaceful
17. Aolani: heavenly cloud
18. Aouli: blue sky
19. Aukai: seafarer
20. Bane: long awaited child

Hawaiian boy names that start with E, G:

1. Eisig: one who laughs
2. Ekewaka: protector of wealth
3. Eleu: alert; lively
4. Ezio: friend
5. Gersham: exiled

Hawaiian boy names that start with H, I:

1. Hailama: famous brother
2. Haku: supervisor; master; lord
3. Haleigha: house of the rising son
4. Hanale: the one who is lord of the manor
5. Haoa: chief
6. Haulani: heavenly ice
7. Havika: beloved
8. Hikialani: looking up at heaven
9. Hilo: first night after the new moon
10. Hiu: bright mind; bright spirit
11. Hoku: star
12. Hokulele: shooting star
13. Holokai: a seafaring person
14. Ikaika: strong
15. Ipo: sweetheart

Hawaiian boy names that start with K:

1. Kahale: home
2. Kahana: priest
3. Kahiau: extremely generous
4. Kahoku: resembling a star
5. Kaholo: runner
6. Kai: of the sea; sea water
7. Kaili: religious deity
8. Kaimana: power of the ocean
9. Kaimi: the seeker
10. Kainalu: the surf; the ocean that billows
11. Kainoa: special name
12. Kaipo: sweetheart
13. Kalama: a source of light; flaming torch
14. Kalan: heavenly chief
15. Kalani: sky; heavenly chief
16. Kale: strong; courageous; manly
17. Kalea: bright; clear; happy
18. Kaleo: sound; voice
19. Kamaka: face
20. Kamakani: wind
21. Kamea: the one and only
22. Kamuela: listener
23. Kana: a god
24. Kanaiela: God is my judge
25. Kane: eastern sky
26. Kanoa: free
27. Kapali: cliff
28. Kapono: a righteous man
29. Kawika: beloved
30. Keahi: of the flames
31. Keaka: God is gracious
32. Kealoha: from the bright path; fragrant perfume
33. Keanu: of the mountain breeze
34. Keawe: strand
35. Kekoa: bold; courageous
36. Keoki: farmer
37. Keola: life
38. Keona: God’s gracious gift
39. Keonaona: sweet fragrance
40. Keoni: God is gracious
41. Kiele: gardenia; fragrant blossom
42. Kika: forest
43. Kimo: supplanter
44. Koa: bold warrior
45. Kohana: the best
46. Koi: water
47. Koka: a man from Scotland
48. Kona: ruler of the world
49. Konane: bright moonlight
50. Koukalaka: from the dark stream

Hawaiian boy names that start with L:

1. Label: lion
2. Laban: white
3. Lani: heavenly sky
4. Lei: king
5. Lekeke: powerful ruler
6. Lewai: attached
7. Lihau: a spirited man
8. Liko: leaf; bud
9. Lilo: one who is generous
10. Lio: lion cub
11. Loe: king
12. Lokela: famous spearman
13. Lokepa: God will increase
14. Lono: god of farming
15. Lopaka: famous brilliant
16. Lot: the name of a king
17. Lui: famous warrior
18. Lulani: highest point in heaven

Hawaiian boy names that start with M:

1. Mahiai: farmer
2. Makaha: ferocious
3. Makaio: a gift from God
4. Makan: house
5. Makana: gift
6. Makani: wind
7. Makena: man of abundance
8. Makoa: bold man
9. Maleko: warrior; warlike; manly
10. Malie: calm
11. Malulani: protected by heaven
12. Mamo: yellow bird; saffron flower; friend
13. Mana: supernatural; spiritual energy
14. Mano: resembling a shark
15. Manu: bird
16. Maona: coming from the ocean
17. Marcilka: warrior; warlike
18. Mauli: dark-skinned man from the moor
19. Mauna: mountain
20. Mayel: one who is well-spoken
21. Meka: the eyes
22. Mele: one who is happy; song
23. Mendel: wisdom
24. Mililani: heavenly caress

Hawaiian boy names that start with N, O:

1. Nahele: forest
2. Nahoa: defiant
3. Nakoa: warrior; fighter
4. Nalu: a sea wave; surf
5. Noe: misty
6. Oke: divine spearman
7. Olakeakua: the living god
8. Olina: joyful
9. Oliwa: olive tree
10. Ona: sweetness
11. Onaona: having a pleasant scent

Hawaiian boy names that start with P:

1. Pakelika: noble
2. Pakile: royal
3. Palaina: strong; honorable
4. Palani: free man
5. Pazhani: free and independent
6. Pekelo: rock
7. Peleke: peaceful ruler
8. Peni: a loyal and adventurous one
9. Peniamina: son of the right hand
10. Pika: rocks
11. Pilialoha: close friend
12. Puna: a water spring
13. Punahele: favourite

Hawaiian boy names that start with R, U:

1. Rishon: the first
2. Udeh: praise
3. Ulani: cheerful
4. Uli: blue
5. Uluwehi: lush plants
6. Uzi: my strength

Hawaiian boy names that start with W, Z:

1. Wainani: beautiful water
2. Walaka: ruler of the army
3. Wana’ao: dawn
4. Wana’aonani: beautiful dawn
5. Wehilani: adornment from heaven
6. Wikoli: victorious conqueror
7. Wiliama: determined guardian
8. Zazu: movement
9. Ziff: wolf


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