184 Russian boy names with meanings


If you are looking for Russian male names with meanings in alphabet order, then we picked ( 184 ) Russian boy names with meanings for you.

Choosing a name for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent.
There are many factors to be considered when you choose a name for your baby like the history of the name, the popularity of it, and the meaning and origin of the name.

This list of Russian baby boy names contains unique boy names, cute boy names, popular boy names, cool boy names, and strong boy names.

184 Russian boy names with meanings

Russian boy names that start with A:

1. Alexei: defender of mankind
2. Alexis: to protect; to defend
3. Anatoliy: Sunrise
4. Andrei: strong; courageous; manly
5. Andrey: strong; courageous; manly
6. Anfisa: flowering
7. Anja: resurrection
8. Antonina: priceless
9. Anya: resurrection
10. Arkady: bold; happy land 
11. Artyom: unharmed; of pure birth

Russian boy names that start with B:

1. Baran: ram
2. Berdy: brilliant mind
3. Beredei: bright mind; bright spirit
4. Bogatir: hero
5. Bogdan: given by God
6. Bohdanka: God’s gift
7. Boleslav: large
8. Borka: warrior
9. Bruno: who carries the flame
10. Burian: his home near the weed

Russian boy names that start with C, D:

1. Cheslav: lives in a strong camp
2. Czar: emperor
3. Damir: provides peace
4. Danila: God is my judge
5. Dasha: gift from God
6. Dema: calm
7. Demyan: a true friend
8. Dimitri: earth lover
9. Dzon: God is gracious

Russian boy names that start with E:

1. Edik: healthy and wealthy guardian
2. Efim: well-famed
3. Egor: farmer
4. Ermolai: people of Hermes
5. Eugene: a well-born man; born lucky
6. Evgen: born good
7. Evgeni: well-born

Russian boy names that start with F:

1. Faustin: fortunate one
2. Fedor: a gift from God
3. Feodor: gift of God
4. Feofan: manifestation of God
5. Filimon: loved
6. Filogoni: he who hides
7. Finees: he who hides the fire
8. Flavian: golden-haired
9. Foka: seal
10. Foma: twin
11. Frol: flavor
12. Fyodor: God’s gift

Russian boy names that start with G:

1. Gasha: good
2. Gavrie: belonging to God
3. Gavriil: man of God
4. Gedeon: cutter down
5. Gennadi: noble
6. Gerasim: old age
7. Gleb: bread
8. Gogil: golden-eyed duck
9. Grigori: watchful; vigilant
10. Gyorgy: farmer

Russian boy names that start with H:

1. Hadrien: dark-haired
2. Hajek: a person from a Grove
3. Hedeon: destroyer
4. Helge: holy
5. Herve: battle worthy

Russian boy names that start with I:

1. Ignat: Ignatius
2. Igor: hero
3. Ilari: hilarious
4. Ilia: the lord is my God
5. Ilya: the lord is my God
6. Ioakim: God will establish
7. Ioann: God is gracious
8. Iosif: God shall increase
9. Isay: Isaiah
10. Ivan: God is gracious

Russian boy names that start with J:

1. Jasha: supplanter
2. Jeirgif: farmer
3. Jermija: God’s appointed one
4. Jov: persecuted
5. Jurg: farmer

Russian boy names that start with K:

1. Karik: ever powerful ruler
2. Karol: strong; manly
3. Kazimir: he who destroys the world
4. Kervyn: ruler
5. Kharald: mighty spearman
6. Kiril: ruler
7. Kolenka: of the conquering people
8. Kostenka: constant

Russian boy names starting with L:

1. Lazar: to link; to tie
2. Leonid: lion
3. Lubim: he who comes
4. Lubomir: peace; love
5. Ludomir: peace; glory
6. Ludwig: famous warrior
7. Luzian: bringer of light
8. Lyov: lion

Russian boy names starting with M:

1. Maksim: greatest
2. Markov: of Mars
3. Matvey: gift from God
4. Maxim: the greatest
5. Mikhail: who is like God?
6. Michail: like God
7. Mika: like God
8. Misha: like God
9. Moriz: Moorish
10. Motka: God’s gift

Russian boy names starting with N:

1. Naum: comforter
2. Nikita: victory of the people
3. Nikolai: victorious; conqueror of the people
4. Nikolaj: victory of the people
5. Nikolani: victory of the people

Russian boy names starting with O:

1. Okb: a confident man
2. Oleg: one who is holy
3. Olezka: holy
4. Ony: eagle
5. Oral: eagle
6. Orel: eagle
7. Oriel: eagle

Russian boy names starting with P:

1. Pabiyan: bean farmer
2. Pashenka: little
3. Pavel: small
4. Pavlpv: little
5. Pavlik: little
6. Petenka: Stone
7. Petrov: a rock
8. Petya: Stone
9. Pyotr: rock

Russian boy names starting with R:

1. Radomir: one who is peaceful
2. Rasputin: a mystic
3. Renat: a reborn man
4. Rodion: a song of the hero warrior
5. Rolan: renowned throughout the land
6. Rostislav: one whose glory grows
7. Rubal: Russian currency
8. Rurik: noted ruler

Russian boy names starting with S:

1. Sacha: helper or defender of humankind
2. Sanya: defender of men
3. Semyon: God has heard
4. Shapoor: prince
5. Shura: defender of mankind
6. Sidor: one who is talented
7. Stanislov: glory
8. Stepka: crowned with laurels

Russian boy names starting with T:

1. Tamryn: palm tree
2. Tanis: serpent lady
3. Taras: to cross
4. Tasher: born at Christmas; energetic
5. Terenti: rub
6. Tikhon: hitting the mark
7. Timofei: the honour of God
8. Timur: conqueror
9. Tisha: honours God
10. Tit: fire

Russian boy names that start with U:

1. Ugo: intelligent
2. Uliana: youthful; downy
3. Ushak: big ear
4. Ustin: just; righteous
5. Ustinya: just; righteous

Russian boy names starting with V:

1. Vadim: a good-looking man
2. Valerii: strong; healthy
3. Vanya: God is gracious
4. Vasily: royal; like a king
5. Venedict: blessed
6. Vitya: victorious conqueror
7. Vlad: ruling prince
8. Vladimir: ruling prince
9. Vladislav: ruling prince
10. Vyacheslav: one who receives more glory

Russian boy names starting with Y:

1. Yakov: supplanter
2. Yan: God is gracious
3. Yaromir: from the famous spring
4. Yefrem: fruitful
5. Yegor: a farmer
6. Yevgeni: noble; well-born
7. Yuliy: one who is youthful
8. Yuri: farmer

Russian boy names starting with Z:

1. Zakhar: God remembers
2. Zasha: a defender of the people
3. Zernebog: black god
4. Zhenechka: noble
5. Zhenya: noble
6. Zhora: farmer
7. Zinoviy: life of Zeus
8. Zivon: alive
9. Zory: farmer


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