89 beautiful Maori girl names with meanings


If you are looking for Maori Female names with meanings in alphabet order, then we picked a list of ( 89 ) Māori girl names with meanings for you.

Choosing a name for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent.
There are many factors to be considered when you choose a name for your baby like the history of the name, the popularity of it, and the meaning and origin of the name.

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Maori girl names with meanings

Maori girl names starting with A:

1. Ahere: bird snare
2. Ahorangi: enlightened
3. Ahurewa: a sacred place
4. Aihe: dolphin
5. Aio: peace
6. Airini: peaceful nature
7. Aka: affectionate
8. Akenehi: chaste; pure
9. Ametihita: the sea
10. Amiria: industrious; hard worker
11. Anahera: angel
12. Aoatea: dawn
13. Aperahama: a gender neural names means (father of a mighty nation)
14. Aputa: open places
15. Aramoana: pathway to the ocean
16. Arataki: to lead
17. Arihi: a woman of noble kind
18. Aroha: love
19. Arona: colourful
20. Aronui: desire
21. Ata: image
22. Ataahua: a beautiful girl
23. Atarangi: morning sky
24. Atawhai: hard worker
25. Awhireinga: angel

Maori girl names starting with E:

1. Emere: rival
2. Epa: an offering to God
3. Erihapeti: helper; supporter
4. Eruera: rich and happy guardian

Maori girl names starting with H:

1. Haeata: dawn
2. Haeata Tanga: light beam
3. Hahana: radiant light
4. Haimona: listening
5. Hauku: dew
6. Hine: girl
7. Hinewai: water maiden in Maori mythology
8. Hokaka: a desirable woman
9. Horowai: waterfall
10. Huihana: lily; lotus

Maori girl names starting with I:

1. Ieni: God is gracious and merciful
2. Ikaroa: the long part of a fish
3. Inia: a body of water
4. Iwa: yew

Maori girl names starting with K:

1. Kahikatea: pine tree in New Zealand
2. Kahu: harrier hawk; clock
3. Kahukura: rainbow
4. Kaihautu: sunray; sun
5. Kakarauri: dusk or garment of darkness
6. Kiri: tree bark
7. Koraka: a south island

Maori girl names starting with M:

1. Maata: lady; mistress of the house
2. Mahaka: a Ngati Kahungunu Chief
3. Mahuika: it’s the name of the Maori Goddess of fire
4. Maia: the great one
5. Makareta: a pearl; the child of light
6. Many: jewel
7. Marama: she is like the moon
8. Mere: beloved; drop of the sea
9. Moana: ocean; sea

Maori girl names starting with N:

1. Ngaio: light reflecting on water; a silver-coloured fern
2. Ngaire: fair-haired; silver fern
3. Niree: sea
4. Nyra: sea
5. Nyree: sea; pacific islander; dawn porter

Maori girl names starting with P:

1. Pania: a mythological sea-maiden
2. Peata: bringer of joy
3. Pounamu: a treasured gift

Maori girl names starting with R:

1. Rangi: heaven; the sky
2. Rangi: heaven; the sky
3. Rawiri: beloved
4. Rea: poppy; earth
5. Reka: sweet
6. Rere: waterfall
7. Roha: life; soul
8. Rona: light; rough island
9. Rongo: peace
10. Ruihi: Lucy

Maori girl names starting with T:

1. Tahupotiki: beloved child
2. Tarati: gift of God
3. Te pura: blind; chief’s child
4. Tia: daughter born to royalty
5. Tino Aroha: one who is loved and adored by all
6. Tui: a bird that eats honey

Maori girl names starting with W:

1. Wahine: woman; wife
2. Waiata: song
3. Whaia: to pursue
4. Whetu: star
5. Whina: helper; kind; rock
6. Wikitoria: victorious


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