65 Celestial girl names that mean star


If you are an astrophile which means a person who loves astronomy or constantly gazes at the stars and looking for a beautiful baby girl name that I’m sure you’ll fill in love with it, then I highly recommend this list of (65) celestial girl names that mean star.

There was an old belief that the name can affect success in a person’s life. Recently there are some studies that have proven this belief, and found that our name have the potential to influence our behaviour, physical appearance, popularity, and how others perceive us.

Whenever there’s a clear night sky, we look up to see those bright dots that full the sky.

Stars since ancient times are described as forever, hope, motivation, guidance, destiny, heaven and freedom.

Girl names that mean star can be also considered as girl names inspired by nature for those who loves nature.

Celestial girl names that mean star

What are girl names that mean star goddess?

1. Asteria: it was the name of the Titan goddess of falling stars in Greek mythology.

2. Sidra: it’s a girl name of Latin origin that means (goddess of the stars; like a star). The name Sidra is also an Islamic name that means (a holy tree at the end of the seventh heaven).

What is the girl name that mean twinkling star?

3. Yami: it’s a girl name of Sanskrit origin that means (light in dark; twinkling star).

What is the girl name that means holy star?

4. Wicapi: it’s a native American girl’s name means (holy star).

What is the girl name that means falling star?

5. Vega: it’s a Scandinavian girl’s name that means (one of the largest and brightest stars in the heaven). It also means (falling star; falling vulture).

What is the girl name that means star of magnificence?

6. Rosana: it’s a Portuguese girl name that means (star of magnificence). Rosana is also a Hebrew girl name means ( graceful rose).

What is the girl name that means Star child?

7. Hoshiko: it’s a Japanese female given name that means (star child).

What are the girl names that mean star-like?

8. Esteri: it’s a Finnish girl’s name that means (Star-like).

9. Eszter: it’s a girl’s name of Hungarian origin that means (star-like).

What is the girl name that means bright star?

10. Darareaksmey: it’s a girl’s name of Cambodian origin that means (bright star).

What is the girl name that means shinning star?

11. Csilla: its a Hungarian girl’s name that means (shinning star).

What are the girl names that mean morning star?

12. Danica: it’s a feminine name of Slavic origin that means (morning star; Venus).

13. Sitara: it’s a female name of Indian origin that means (starlight; morning star shinning bright).

What are the girl names that mean night star?

14. Ankareeda: it’s a Hindu girl name means (night star; graceful; shinning).

15. Vespera: it’s a girl’s name of Latin origin that means (evening star).

What are the girl names that mean a star in the sky?

16. Citana: it’s a native American girl’s name that means (a star in the sky).

17. Hokulani: it’s a feminine name of Hawaiian origin that means (star in heaven).

What is the girl name that means star maiden?

18. Astria: it’s a Greek girl name that means (star-maiden; starry night).

What are the girl names that mean Venus?

19. Nahid: it’s a Muslim’s girl name that means (Venus; elevated).

20. Vanessa: it’s a female name of Latin origin that means (of Venus). It’s also a girl’s name of Welsh origin and means (butterfly).

21. Venus: it is the name of a planet in the solar system. Venus is also a girl name of Latin origin that means (Roman goddess of love and beauty).

22. Zohreh: it’s a Persian female name that means (Venus).

What are the girl names that mean constellation of stars?

23. Bellatrix: This is the name of a star in the Orion constellation. Bellatrix is also a female name of Latin origin that means (beautiful; female warrior).

24. Carina: This is the name of a constellation of stars, visible in the southern hemisphere. Carina is also a female name of Brazilian and Italian origins and means (dear; pure).

25. Galaxy: it’s a girl’s name of Greek origin and means (large system of stars).

26. Maia: This name comes from Greek mythology, it is named after one of the Pleiades, the seven daughters of the Oceanid nymph Pleione and the Titan Atlas. Maia is also mean (mother; great).

27. Parveen: it’s a girl’s name of Persian origin means (star; pleiades; the seven sisters).

28. Suha: it’s an Arabic girl’s name that means ( a certain star of a constellation which is transparent, hidden or invisible).

29. Suraya: it’s a feminine Persian name derived from the Arabic name for the pleiades star cluster. It also means (a woman precious as a jewel).

What are other girl names that mean star?

30. Citali: it’s a girl’s name of Aztec origin that means (a star; an object of the space and universe).

31. Dao: it’s a Thai girl’s name that means (star).

32. Dara: it’s a Cambodian unisex name that means (star).

33. Esfir: it’s a Russian girl’s name that derived from Esther and means (star).

34. Essi: it’s a Finnish girl’s name that means (star).

35. Estee: it’s a French feminine name that means (star).

36. Estelle: it’s a girl’s name of Latin origin that means (star).

37. Ester: it’s a feminine name of Persian and Slavic origins and means (star; Myrtle leaf).

38. Esther: it’s a Persian girl’s name that means (star), Esther is also a Biblical name that means (secret; hidden).

39. Eszti: it’s a Hungarian girl’s name that means (star).

40. Etoile: it’s a girl’s name of Latin and French origins that means (star).

41. Ettie: in Persian girl’s name, Ettie means (star). In French girl’s name Ettie is (keeper of the earth).

42. Hessye: it’s a Hebrew girl’s name that means (star).

43. Hester: it’s a girl’s name of Greek origin and means (star).

44. Hoshi: it’s a Japanese female name that means (star).

45. Junta: it’s a Thai girl’s name that means (star).

46. Kahoku: it’s a unisex name of Hawaiian origin that means (the star).

47. Lintang: it’s an Indonesian girl name that means (star).

48. Najma: it’s a girl’s name of Arabic origin that means (star; precious).

49. Nhucha: it’s an aboriginal girl’s name that means (star).

50. Omaira: it’s a Hindu girl’s name that means (star; awesome). Omaira is also a girl’s name of Arabic origin that means (long life; red).

51. Quarralia: it’s an Australian Aboriginal girl’s name that means (star).

52. Sadira: it’s an Urdu name that means (star). Sadira is also a Persian girl’s name that means (lotus tree), and an Arabic girl’s name that means (ostrich running from water).

53. Seren: it’s a Welsh girl’s name that means (star).

54. Setareh: it’s a feminine given name of Persian origin means (star).

55. Starlene: it’s a girl name of English origin that means (star).

56. Stella: it’s a girl name of Latin and Italian origins and means (star).

57. Svetlana: it’s a Russian girl’s name that means (star; light; shine).

58. Sying: it’s a Chinese girl name that means (star).

59. Taina: it’s a Finnish girl name that means (star; secret).

60. Tara: It’s a gender-neutral name of Sanskrit and Gaelic origins that means (hill; star).

61. Taraka: it’s an Indian girl’s name that means (star; meteor; pupil of the eye; palms).

62. Whetu: it’s a Maori girl’s name that means (star).

63. Wichahpi: it’s a native American girl’s name means (star).

64. Wisey: it’s an Indian girl’s name that means (star).

65. Yesfir: it is a Persian girl’s name that means (star; bright; Myrtle).

66. Yildiz: it’s a gender-neutral name of Turkish origin that means (star).


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