Nine months pregnant: symptoms, baby development and checklist


If you are on week 36-40 of pregnancy, then you’re 9 months pregnant! It’s the last month of the last trimester of the pregnancy.
And yaaay! You made it!
Your baby could arrive any day now!
I know you feel that hours go past very slowly, but that’s normal as the anxiety and feeling impatient are one of the symptoms of this month. Try to keep your mind occupied, educate yourself about everything related to babies to make motherhood easier for you.

What to expect in the:

First month of pregnancy

Second month of pregnancy

Third month of pregnancy

Fourth month of pregnancy

Fifth month of pregnancy

Sixth month of pregnancy

Seventh month of pregnancy

Eighth month of pregnancy

Ninth month of pregnancy

Nine months pregnant: symptoms, baby development and checklist

Nine months pregnant symptoms:

1. Leaking breasts: it’s very common, your breasts may leak colostrum.
2. Frequent urination: as your baby continues to grow and drop lower into your pelvis, he/she also continues to put pressure on your bladder.
3. Swollen legs and face, especially in the morning.
4. Numbness in fingers and hands
5. Pelvic pressure: because as your baby getting ready for the birth, he/she is dropping lower into your pelvis, and that creates pressure on the pelvic area.
6. Lightening: some foetuses drop down into the lower part of the uterus this month, and this may relieve your heartburn.
7. Back pain: changes of hormones causes the ligaments in your body to relax and stretch, and this can put a strain on the joints of your lower back and pelvis, causing back pain.
8. Braxton hicks contractios: it will become more frequent this month as the uterus makes its final preparation for birth.
9. Pigmentation: the hormonal changes during pregnancy can increase the production of melanin,which can result in brownish patches appearing on your face, or dark line down the middle of your lower belly.
10. Stretch marks: that’s because your belly bump starts to grow more rapidly this month, and that puts extra stress on the skin as it stretches to accommodate your developing baby and uterus.
11. Interrupted sleep: due to the increase of other pregnancy symptoms, and the belly size that makes it harder to be comfortable in the bed.
12. Exhaustion: because of the increased baby weight that becomes a load to carry.
13. Constipation: the expansion of the uterus puts pressure on the colon which may restrict the flow of their content.
14. Changes in appetite: you may experience increase in appetite this month due to your growing baby demanding more nourishment.
15. Emotional changes: like you may be a little weepy and prone to emotional meltdowns this month. Also, you may feel anxious about giving birth.

Nine months pregnant baby development:

Your baby experiences significant development during the ninth month of pregnancy.
The bones in their skull are still soft in order to ensure a smoother journey through the birth canal.
At the week 38 of pregnancy, the baby will be ready to be born. He/she weigh about 3.2 kg and measures about 45 cm from  head to bottom.
In the lead up to delivery, the umbilical cord will begin to transfer antibiotics to your baby. The antibiotics will help your baby build up immunity to many harmful bacteria and germs that are in the outside world.
You’ll notice changes in baby’s activity because there is little room left in the uterus. But, you need to keep counting the baby kicks as it’s the way to make sure he/she is okay.
Each day, you need to feel at least 10 movements within two hours. Any way, you need to discuss with your midwife the right way of counting the kicks.

Read more:

12 things you will miss the most about being pregnant

Nine months pregnant baby position:

During this month, your baby’s position should change to head down to prepare for delivery.
Some foetuses drop down into the lower part of the uterus during this month. This may relieve your constipation and heartburn. But some foetuses don’t drop down until the very end of pregnancy.

When to see your doctor?

At the last month of pregnancy, your regular visit to your doctor will be weekly. However, there are some cases you need to see your healthcare provider immediately:

1. If you develop chest pain or problems breathing.
2. If you notice a gush of fluids.
3. Any vaginally bleeding.
4. A decrease in fetal movements.
5. If you notice any of these danger signs of pregnancy that shouldn’t be ignored.

9 months pregnant checklist:

1. install the baby car seat: to bring the baby home, you’ll need to double check the infant car seat. You need to check if it installed correctly, and following child care seats safety tips.
2. At this month, you need to start thinking about whether you are going to breastfeed or battle feed your baby. In case you choose the breastfeeding, you need to follow a safe breastfeeding diet plan.
3. If you haven’t already done so, you should take a tour of your birth facility or hospital.
4. If you haven’t prepared your hospital bag yet, then you need to do it now.
5. Prepared your partner for fatherhood by educating him how dads can care about a newborn, or you may also need this guide for motherhood especially if you are a first time mom.
6. Have enough information about postpartum depression and how to deal with it in case it happens to you.
7. If you haven’t already drawn up a birth plan, think about doing one now.
8. Look at your list of baby names and review what appeals to you.


What to expect
Baby center


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