Danger signs in pregnancy that shouldn’t be ignored


In pregnancy, the health of the baby depends entirely on the mother. As soon as a woman discovers that she is pregnant, she should avoid a list of things to protect her baby and to have a healthy pregnancy, and she should be aware of some hazards around the home that may be a risk to her pregnancy.

Most women go through pregnancy without serious problems. Normal discomforts of pregnancy can include heartburn, a need to urinate often, backache, breast tenderness and swelling, nausea and feeling tired. But, sometimes there are problems during pregnancy that need urgent medical attention.

You should contact your midwife or doctor straight away if you have any of the danger signs listed below:

Danger signs in pregnancy, these warning signs may be a serious danger

1- Severe Headache:

Headache is one of the most common discomforts during pregnancy. But, if the pregnant woman has elevated blood pressure or lack of past headache history, or if she experiences a frequent headache that doesn’t go away with paracetamol.

then the headache could be a dangerous sign and she should ask her health provider.

Because it usually involves an increase in pregnant women’s blood pressure and problems with her kidneys. Contact your doctor if along with your headache, you have a pain below your ribs, feel like you have heartburn, you suddenly swell in your face, hands or feet, or you have problems with your eyesight.

2- Severe Morning Sickness:

If you have severe nausea and vomiting that doesn’t stop in the first 3 months of pregnancy, you could lose weight and lose too much fluid from your body.

You and your baby may not get enough nutrients. Your body’s chemicals may get off balance. You may need to be treated in the hospital because if a woman doesn’t receive treatment, it can cause many complications, including organ failure and the premature of her baby.

3- Vaginal Bleeding:

Bleeding during pregnancy is common, especially during the first trimester, and usually, it is not a danger sign. ( Every bleeding in pregnancy should be investigated).

But bleeding after 12 weeks is not common and is considered very dangerous. It may be because of placental abruption. You should contact your health provider as soon as possible to find out the cause of bleeding.

4- High Temperature:

A temperature that is over (37.8 C) could be a sign of infection or illness. A high temperature or infection can lead to preterm labour. The infection may be treated with antibiotics or other medicines.

5- Persistent Lower Back Pain:

Lower back pain is very common during different stages of pregnancy. But, when it becomes persistent, you should see your doctor examine you to exclude kidney or bladder infections. Preterm labour may also present with persistent lower back pain.

6- You Feel A Gush Of Fluids:

Amniotic fluid is essential to the health of your baby. If your water breaks too soon, then there are risks for both you and your baby. For moms, there is a risk of getting a dangerous infection. For babies, there is a risk of impaired growth and development and preterm birth.

If you have a gush of clear fluid from your vagina, you should contact your doctor or midwife. There are simple tests to determine if you are leaking amniotic fluid and need treatment.

7- Leg Or Calf Pain:

Cramps in your legs are quite common, but it’s important to be aware of what a cramp feels like as opposed to severe pain that can be caused by something like deep vein thrombosis (DVT) due to a blood clot in your leg. So, if you notice one of the following symptoms you should check with the doctor as soon as possible:

• Pain, swelling and tenderness in one leg, usually at the back of your lower leg (calf). The pain may be worse when you bend your foot up towards your knee.

• A heavy ache or warm skin in the affected area.

• Red skin, particularly at the back of your leg below the knee.

8- Significantly Decrease In Fetal Movement:

Fetal movement is regarded as a sign of a healthy pregnancy for many years. Fetal movements during the day vary. The fetus has a cycle of being awake and sleeping. The fetus can sleep for about 10-30 min then wake up and so on.

As pregnancy progresses, there are long periods of sleep, however, it is estimated that sleep periods last no longer than 30 minutes each.

If your baby’s movement decrease or stop, it may be a sign that there’s a problem. You can first do a simple check. Lie on your left side, and support your baby bump with a pillow. Focus for two hours on any sensations you feel from your baby. If you do not feel 10 or more distinct movements in two hours, contact your doctor, midwife or maternity unit right away.

Read more:

12 things you will miss the most about being pregnant

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Warning signs in danger during pregnancy that shouldn't be ignored


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