This complete breastfeeding diet plan will help you answer many questions in your mind about what to eat and what foods to avoid while breastfeeding.
Many breastfeeding women are concerned about the impact of their food choices on their breast milk. Perhaps you’ve questioned whether avoiding certain meals is vital to avoid stomach problems or allergies in your kid. Or perhaps you’re wondering if you need to consume any particular foods to produce the appropriate amount of milk or milk of the highest quality for your baby.
The good news is that regardless of what you consume, your milk will probably be just suitable for your baby. Your body is perfectly capable of determining the nutritional requirements of your infant at each stage of development. Anyway, there are some restrictions when it comes to a healthy breastfeeding diet:
Breastfeeding diet restrictions:
A great healthy breastfeeding diet minimises or avoids some types of foods and beverages.
Although it’s unlikely to affect your baby if you get sick, but the moderation is the key here.
A well-balanced diet is important to help both you and baby feel the best.
Here is a list of foods to limit while breastfeeding:
1- Alcohol while breastfeeding:
According to the center of disease control, abstaining from alcohol is the safest option during breastfeeding.
Research shows that the amount of alcohol in breast milk peaks 30-60 minutes after the last drink. And alcohol can remain in your system for up to 2-3 hours. The more alcohol you have, the longer it can take to be cleared from the system. Source
2- Caffeine while breastfeeding:
May be you are wondering: is Caffeine safe while breastfeeding?
According to Australian breastfeeding association, most breastfeeding mothers can consume a moderate amount of caffeine without it affecting their babies.
Newborn babies however can be particularly more sensitive to caffeine.
Food standards Australia New Zealand recommend that daily caffeine consumption of up to 200 mg is safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
3- some herbal supplements:
The use of herbs and spices like turmeric or rosemary to season food is considered safe while breastfeeding.
You know that there are some herbs to avoid during pregnancy. But, do you ever knew that there are some herbs that better to avoid while breastfeeding because it may decrease milk supply ?
Here is the list:
- Sage
- Peppermint
- Chickweed
- Oregano
- Lemon balm
- Thyme
- Yarrow
- Spearmint
- Peppermint
The following tips will help you in your healthy breastfeeding diet plan:
Breastfeeding diet plan:
1- Consume A Variety Of Fruits And Vegetables:
Fruits and vegetables are the basis of any healthy diet, whether pregnant or breastfeeding. Fruits are high in vitamins B1, B2, B6, and C, which promote overall health and are required for milk production.
Additionally, fruits such as apples, bananas, oranges, berries and grapes include antioxidants that help your body eliminate free radicals that can accumulate over time and cause long-term harm.
Oh, and don’t forget the fiber. Fiber aids in the absorption of vitamins and minerals and also aids in the digestive process.
2- Each Meal Should Include A Whole Grain:
While fruits and vegetables can cover your daily carbohydrate requirements, whole grains are an excellent addition to any healthy breastfeeding diet.
Whole grains, such as brown rice and oats, have a higher calorie and carbohydrate content than most fruits and vegetables.
Indeed, five cups of broccoli contain the same carbohydrates as a half cup of brown rice. That is a substantial amount of broccoli! Due to their density, we recommend limiting your daily intake of whole grains to three portions. Concentrate on fruits and vegetables, but incorporate a modest portion of spaghetti, pita, or fresh-baked bread at each meal.
3- Drink 8 Cups Of Water Daily:
While not drinking enough water daily will not immediately damage your milk supply, it will eventually result in dehydration. Dehydration can increase your risk of developing other health problems, such as urinary tract infections, constipation, and weariness.
Additionally, your body will draw on the water stored in your joints, muscles, digestive system, and blood to compensate for the absence of water in your diet. This can result in additional difficulties that may affect your breast milk production.
4- Fish oil is very important in any healthy breastfeeding diet plan:
Current recommendations advise that lactation women consume at least 200 mg of DHA per day. Source
Fish oil is a source of omega-3 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fat that supports general health and well-being.
Consuming fish oil regularly can support heart health, maintain healthy eye function, and reduce mild joint inflammation.
Add to that Fish and Fish oil is one of the brain foods that support healthy brain functions and memory.
A Breastfeeding Diet plan That Is Safe:
Breastfeeding will provide numerous obstacles and changes in your life; thus, be patient and look after yourself while caring for your baby. And when it comes to nursing nutrition, remember these 4 tips, and you can rest assured that you and your baby are off to a wonderful start.