How to make motherhood easier? 12 mom hacks

Here you’ll read some insights that will hopefully motivate and inspire you of how to make motherhood easier and smoother whether you are a first time mom or an experienced mom.

It is normal to struggle with motherhood. Some of the biggest challenges of a modern mom are mom guilt, sleep deprivation, balancing family and work, self-worth and body image, losing the baby weight, technology and reducing screen time, keeping your kids healthy, and more.

All the moms struggle something at some point, but it surely varies from one to another depending on many factors.
However, it’s totally possible to learn how to make motherhood easier by getting inspiration from these 12 powerful mom hacks that can change your life for the better.

Mom hacks of how to make motherhood easier

How to make motherhood easier? 12 mom hacks

1- parenting programs are powerful:

Do some training like circle of security, which is a course that is focusing on supporting and strengthening parent-child relationships, by guiding you through new ways to understand and respond to your children’s behaviour.


2- Give yourself some bloody grace:

You need to treat yourself as well as you’d treat others. Forgive yourself for the past mistakes, accept the imperfections that life throws your way, and move forward.

We, as moms, need to give ourselves grace because God gives us grace. We need to stop being very judgemental and hard on ourselves.

Your children Don’t need a perfect mom, they need a good enough mom. Show yourself compassion and empathy, and that will reflect positively on your motherhood.


3- Create positive morning routine:

Try to have the habit of waking up early before your kids. So that you can have a positive morning routine as a mom. Start your day with kids slowly. 10 minutes of gratitude and intentional connection like snuggling or hugging are ideal morning activities.

To make this possible, you need firstly to make sure that your children is getting enough sleep by going to bed early. Secondly, you need to minimize the number of responsibilities everyone has in the morning by doing as much as you can the night before to be ready for the next day.

If you have kids at school, make the lunch box ready, prepare the clothes, and put the shoes by the door. So that you have enough time to start the day slowly.


4- Cleaning can wait!

Cleaning the home doesn’t need to be a priority when you have younger children. Everything can wait when our children need us.

Keeping your home clean when you have young children is very stressful but still possible when you have a Cleaning routine that suits you.

But always remember, perfectly clean homes don’t exist. One of the best tips to reduce your time cleaning is to Invest in some devices that make your life easier like Robot vacuum, dishwasher machine, clothes dryer, and so on.


5- Let your kids help you:

Do all your house chores while the kids are awake and let them get involved, this method has many benefits for both you and your children. It helps give children a sense of responsibility for their environment. Children want to be actively involved, rather than merely imitating these tasks during the day.

After the children nap, you can actually have time to yourself instead of running around, which is very important to your mental health.

Children can help you in many chores depending on their age like wiping up spills, putting rubbish in the bin, putting learning materials away, folding their clothes, and more.


6- Reduce your time cooking:

There are many strategies that can really help reducing your time in the kitchen like ordering takeaways or freeze meals.

You can cook once and eat twice by making double patches when you cook, One to eat and one for the freezer either in portions for lunches, or in a baking dish for a family meal.
Meal preparation is also very important to help you plan ahead for the whole week.


7- Laugh more with your kids:

Laughing with your kids is more important than being perfect. Laughing with children can add joy and zest to your life, eases anxiety and tension, improves mood, strengthen your bond with your child, lower the stress, boost the immunity, and best of all, create beautiful memories.

There are many ways to make your child Laughing like using funny words, tickling the belly, talking funny jokes, playing the freeze games, watching a funny movie together, or reading a funny book.


8- Enjoy being a mom:

Just Don’t expect your life to be the same as before kids. There will be some things that are better. Some things that are harder.

To enjoy the ride! Learn to be a happy mom right now!
Appreciate what you have and love your kids unconditional love and cherish every moment they are with you. Build good memories, have quality time and tell them how much you enjoy their company.

When things are really challenging and you are struggling to find the motivation to look on the bright side, take a moment to consider how would you feel if something were to happen to the people you love the most. Then you will feel grateful when you realise that your kids are healthy and happy.

Whenever you feel overwhelmed or your child having a rough day, take a breath and try to remember that they will not be this age for so long. This way you would appreciate every moment even though it is hard.


9- Trust your instinct:

Moms are connected to their babies through an undeniable bond and have incredible instincts when it comes to their babies. Your instincts will help keep you and your children safe, just as long as you learn to trust them.

You always need to know that no one knows your children better than you, so listen to your inner voice when it comes to choosing the right parenting decision, and Don’t let others make you feel like you’re doing it wrong.

Do what works for you and ignore the rest, but be very honest with yourself and be brave enough to change things when they don’t or no longer serve you.

Also set your boundaries early and firmly with anyone else who may play a carer’s role in their life. You are the parent and it’s not up for questioning or negotiation.


10- White noise is magic:

White noise refers to a noise that contains all frequencies across the spectrum of audible sound in equal measure. Many parents rely on white noise when it comes to calming down their crying baby or helping to fall asleep.

If you’re struggling with lack of sleep in the night, then buying a white noise machine can really help to settle your baby.


11- Have some good friends:

Having friends to talk to that you know they aren’t going to judge you is very important for your mental health and can really help to cope with stay at home mom depression and loneliness. It’s also very beneficial to treat baby blue and postpartum depression.

You can become a member of a mom’s group to meet other moms and simply share some of the sentiments you are experiencing.


12- Lower expectations:

We all expect certain things from our children, like listening to everything we ask, or to always be on their best behaviour in public or reaching age-appropriate targets. But, if we think logically, expecting our children to be good all the time doesn’t make any sense.

To make your parenting journey smoother, you need to don’t expect them to act older than they are, don’t expect them to behave like other kids, and don’t expect them to be like you.

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