Are looking for Japanese baby names that start with Y in alphabet order? If so, then this is a list of 24 Japanese names for girls and boys with meanings.

Japanese names that start with Y for girls:
1. Yama: from the mountain
2. Yashira: blessed with God’s grace
3. Yasu: peaceful; calm
4. Yayoni: spring
5. Yei: flourishing
6. Yoi: born in the evening
7. Yoko: positive and determined woman
8. Yone: rice; wealth
9. Yori: reliable
10. Yoshe: a beauty; lovely
11. Yoshi: quiet; respected
12. Yuki: snow; lucky
13. Yumi: beauty
14. Yumiko: arrow child
15. Yuri: lily
16. Yuriko: child of the lillies
17. Yuta: one who is superior
Japanese names that start with Y for boys:
1. Yasashiku: polite; gentle
2. Yasuo: peaceful; calm
3. Yori: dependence
4. Yoshi: quiet; respected; better
5. Yoshito: good and lucky man
6. Yuki: snow; lucky; happiness
7. Yuudai: a great hero